Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ Audit Program
Radiologists undergo specialized training to become proficient at reading MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasounds, and other radiologic tests. Similarly, cognitive engineers need specialized training to use AttentionScope®. Becoming proficient in Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ (CEFIO) demands dialogue to understand and interpret it correctly. Thus, the program is not suited for a self-study book or a digital class. It requires participation, ideally in a group setting.
However, we recognize that differences in time zones and schedules make it difficult for some to participate in the live “in-person” program. That’s why we have provided an option to audit the program. Each week you will watch a video of a recorded class, do the homework exercise, and then have a one-on-one talk with ADHD coach Jeff Copper to debrief on the class and homework exercise for proper interpretation.
Please understand that the audit program requires an additional investment of Jeff’s time; thus, the cost is slightly higher than the standard program cost.
The audit program is not the ideal experience, but it is a valuable alternative when the class schedule does not permit. You can choose your own schedule.
There are two steps to enroll in the audit program: (1) make payment and (2) talk to Jeff to confirm availability and schedule your weekly call.
If you are ready to make payment, please click the SIGN UP button below.