ADHD Adults
- Before coaching, I didn’t understand anything about emotional dysregulation even though I had hired professionals in the past. After working with Jeff, I have come to realize I wore my emotions on my sleeve and got whoever I was dealing with to buy into my excuses and everything would be lovey-dovey… but not with Jeff. Jeff wasn’t there to please me, but at the same time, he wasn’t judgmental. He focused on the facts, not the feelings. In the end, I finally had to look in the mirror and do the work necessary to move forward. It is somewhat unique in our world today to have somebody out there who is direct and empathetic to help you actually do the work. If you realize that maybe you’re trying to get everybody to buy into your excuses and that other moves have not helped you, I would encourage you to reach out to Jeff. He’s kind and polite but is going to hold space open for you to do the work.
Denise Daskal
Michigan - As an engineer with ADHD, I was drawn to Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™. The way the material was presented was very factual, very black-and-white, and very compelling. What I noticed is, when I first took the class, I didn’t own my ADHD and was blind to it as an executive function impairment. I had heard the word, but it didn’t register. As the class went on, it became crystal clear it is an impairment that needs accommodation, not just behavioral training. As a result, I began to realize why I struggle and resist the notion that it is impairment. What’s best about the course is that it helps define things very specifically in black and white. If your mind is open to it, and you can manage your emotions, you will begin to see things in a different light and actually be able to problem-solve to make things a thousand times easier, not by trying harder or learning a skill but by accommodating the thinking process. I know this is a new field of engineering, but it’s promising and revolutionary. If you have an engineering mindset, I would encourage you to enroll.
Vipul Singhal
India - I’ve got ADHD, diagnosed in my 40s. Ugh, right? I’m in Tampa, Jeff’s in Tampa, so that’s neat! I kept reading about this Cognitive Ergonomics thing and was super curious, so I signed up. Took the plunge—yikes! Now, Jeff said over and over at the beginning of the class that I would be overwhelmed, and, oh boy, did he mean it. It was a lot at first! Soon, though, I came to realize that the program was changing my conceptual understanding of ADHD and of myself, that it was not just more hacks, accommodations, tips and tricks, yada yada. What was cool about the program was that I learned to see my emotional reactions to the diagnosis and the obstacles it presents, rather than having an analytical, thoughtful response. Since beginning the course three months ago, I’ve learned how to confront my ADHD from a self-awareness perspective, which has been a true revelation. I remember when I started saying, “Oh wow, things are making sense!” It’s all still a little intense and daunting, and I definitely have more work to do, but I’m starting to see undeniable evidence all around me telling me that what actually helps me in my ADHD struggles are the thought processes and mindset that Jeff’s class has introduced. And the work I still must do, while it will be ongoing, is simple (not easy) and super effective! Like, from the get-go, it works! And the support offered by Jeff and my awesome classmates has been incredibly humbling. I now know that I’m not a victim of my diagnosis; it’s just an extra piece of life luggage that I finally have the skill to unpack. It has been a mind-blowing transformation and a wonderful class. Jeff tells you upfront that you will be overwhelmed… and he’s right… but be patient. In the end, it will all make loads of sense, and the pieces (and chaos) will finally begin falling into place.
Mary Jordan
Actress, Entrepreneur
Tampa FL - Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™? I’m not sure I knew what to expect. In the end, I found the approach fascinating because it took an in-depth look at the underlying intangibles that drive behavior in a way that was logical and made sense. Understanding executive functions individually and collectively, as well as how they interact, makes it a lot clearer in my mind and enables me to problem-solve more specifically. If you’d like to understand why things are the way they are, not just systematically, this program is something worth considering. It will remove a lot of mystery and ambiguity to make you more cognitively literate.
Ginger Hill
Virginia -
Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ (CEFIO) is a powerful process that yields exponential rewards if you consistently show up for yourself and put in the work.
I was diagnosed with ADHD at 34. Like many late-diagnosed adults, my life was a bit chaotic thanks to a not-so-fun combo of emotional dysregulation and impulsive decision-making. For three years, I tried to understand ADHD and implement positive changes by spending an excessive amount of time reading books and watching YouTube videos. Nothing stuck. All I had to show for my effort was a patchwork collection of “tips, tricks, and strategies,” — as Jeff likes to say — that didn’t solve for the root cause, keeping me stuck in an increasingly large rut.
CEFIO couldn’t have been launched at a better time for me! It’s a foundational model of ADHD, a framework for thinking and problem-solving, that helps people like you and me find a personalized and empowering pathway through the muck to clarity and intentional action. CEFIO affirmed all the weird accommodations I felt ashamed about needing to get stuff done, deepened my self-awareness, and challenged limiting beliefs I’ve spent a lifetime collecting.
I cannot emphasize enough that this course requires a lot of time spent experiencing discomfort and that, at times, I questioned my ability to persevere. Yet I pushed through, and as the course progressed, I became more excited to show up and do the work! It helped that my cohort was filled with other inspiring ADHDers who also committed to doing their personal best. My cohort still meets regularly to encourage and nudge each other when we’re not making objective observations What Jeff’s built has had a profound impact on my life, the benefits of which I’m only in the earliest stages of reaping. Most importantly I have hope and the confidence to trust that I’m making good choices for myself and my future.
Show up with an open mind. Commit to doing the work. And you will gain greater self-awareness and self-efficacy, a support system of like-minded, encouraging ADHDers, and forward momentum on longstanding hurdles.
Danita Walton
Dating Advocate
Pennsylvania - I’ve been a follower and regular viewer of the Attention Talk Video channel on YouTube for the last two years. When Jeff announced the start of his course, Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™, I was excited to dive deeper into learning about ADHD. Through bite-sized bits of information coupled with real world examples and exercises that put into play the skills being learned, class participants begin looking for the root cause of a problem instead of getting stuck in a bunch of negative emotions. Should confusion arise, Jeff is quick to shift gears and meet students where they are by reteaching midclass, encouraging peer support to bring in different viewpoints, and timely responding to emails. As an educator, I’d recommend this class to anyone in the education field who is looking to build their knowledge of ADHD and fine tune problem-solving skills to provide better support to students toward becoming self-advocates.
Gwen Marker
Special Education Teacher
Bethel Park PA - I’m struggling with my ADHD and I’m not real thrilled in my work site. Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out caught my eye. Problem was, I wasn’t able to do it at a convenient time. I reached out to Jeff and he agreed to allow me to audit the program. For me, it’s spectacular because I could do it at my own pace. What I learned from the program is invaluable because it helped me get rid of emotional judgments and take a look at what works. In the process I was exploring, I really began to understand how I need to problem-solve outside of my head, and it’s giving me a little bit more hope and confidence. Right now, I’m looking at tackling trying to get to the next level as far as breaking away from my job to find something that’s more satisfying. The program is really invaluable to me because now I understand ADHD at a deeper level. If the traditional methods of helping you haven’t worked out, I would encourage you to reach out to Jeff.
Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
Graphic Designer
Indianapolis IN - I learned of Jeff Copper through a trusted ADHD professional and from my brother. The feedback around Jeff was positive, and I was keen to explore how Jeff might be able to help me. I had reached a point in my ADHD journey where I was stuck. I had great knowledge about ADHD, but I realized that I was unable to figure out what I needed to change to make a significant difference in my day-to-day life. I wanted to figure this out so that I could model this to my children. How could I support them to understand their own challenges with ADHD if I couldn’t demonstrate the same for myself? Reading books and listening to podcasts about executive functions was interesting and insightful, but it wasn’t helping me problem-solve. So, when my trusted ADHD coach encouraged me to sign up for his new pilot program, “Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out,” I was excited to learn more. This class has been absolutely life-changing for me. I have found myself almost exploding with excitement and at times felt quite emotional at how much clarity this has given me. I am seeing things in a different way and approaching problems with new insights that are finally helping me to make changes that matter. To some people (neurotypical probably), these changes may seem unimportant or too “small,” but for me, they are revolutionary. Jeff’s class has taken my understanding of my ADHD into hyper speed and has validated my life experience and helped me to understand just how hard living with ADHD can be. I have much more clarity on why I find things hard, and instead of just feeling bad about myself, I now acknowledge the challenge and then get curious to figure out how to problem-solve by following a clear process. It is also shifting the way I support my kids, and by modelling it to them, they are also starting to feel better, too. The program is more intellectual than I imagined; however, I realize its necessity, as my conceptual understanding of ADHD has changed. I just went with it. Week by week, I was able to connect the dots. I’m excited for my future and for those around me whom I now understand at a deeper level. If you have struggled with understanding ADHD, executive functions, or why some things work and others don’t, I recommend you invest the time in the program. The returns are amazing.
Sally McNair
United Kingdom - I can’t express enough how transformative Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out (CEFIO) has been for me. Before participating in CEFIO, I always saw my ADHD as a focus problem, and I was frustrated with why medications alone weren’t helping me. Little did I know that the key to managing ADHD effectively was to shift my perspective and tackle it as a thinking problem. The realization that my struggles were not solely about focus, but rather about the way I approached problem-solving, was a game-changer. The course provided me with invaluable tools and strategies to rewire my thought processes and start to overcome the barriers that ADHD presents. One of the most significant breakthroughs for me was understanding the concept of “booting up.” I recently set up a pottery studio in my garage, a place where I can let my creativity flow whenever I want. However, I often found myself stuck, unable to start working on my art. It became clear that the problem wasn’t my passion or skills but the process of preparing to work. Thanks to Jeff, I learned to make the booting up phase more enjoyable by reminding myself, “Thinking is hard; what would make it easier?” Now, I listen to a podcast while getting my supplies ready, and it has made a world of difference. I’m spending more time in my pottery studio, creating art without the obstacles that once held me back. CEFIO has not only reshaped the way I think about my ADHD but has empowered me to find practical solutions to the challenges it presents. I’m incredibly grateful for the insights and techniques I’ve gained, which have allowed me to reclaim my focus and passion for what I love. If you’re looking to gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and take control of your life, I wholeheartedly recommend CEFIO. It’s a real game-changer!
Rebecca Grzesik
Colorado - Recently I was diagnosed with ADHD. The diagnosis brought an understanding to my lifelong struggles and frustration. On an emotional level, I got it, but practically, I didn’t understand ADHD. Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ brought tangibility and an understanding of ADHD that made things clear. What has worked and what hasn’t now make sense. While I’ve always known inside that I’ve been able to achieve my potential, much of the program validates my experience in that this isn’t necessarily a disability but a difference. When accommodations are available for individual impairments, I and others can be successful. Having the understanding and clarity are basically validation, and it’s really amazing. If you have ADHD and the means to do it, this program can help you understand things at a deeper level as it did for me, and it can bring real peace and calmness to the challenges.
Amy Dorn
Golden CO - Understanding ADHD from the inside out has changed everything. Now that I really get why I do things the way I do, I have the self-awareness I need to make real changes. It’s like understanding the root cause of a diagnosis, leading to preventive care and not just reactionary care. Thank you, Jeff, for teaching this course!
ADHD Coaches
- I’m a new ADHD coach in coach training. I attended the 2024 Annual International Conference on ADHD and watched Jeff’s presentations about ADHD and problem-solving as an impairment. Through that experience, I learned about his Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ program. His presentation and the concept were logical and made sense, so I enrolled. Honestly, I learned more in that class than I have in all my coach training. It really puts a spotlight on the core of what ADHD is. And it empowered me to understand what’s driving legitimately many of the behaviors so I can coach my clients to resolve a root cause. Now I’m a fan and believer. I would encourage anybody who wants to be a more efficient coach to enroll in the program and really understand ADHD to get to the core. It brings a level of tangibility and clarity that doesn’t exist in our world as we know it.
Erica Tucker
ADHD Coach
Palm Bay FL - After attending Jeff’s introductory session at the conference, I immediately knew I wanted to take the full course—and I’m incredibly glad I did. This program has transformed my coaching practice, making it not only more efficient and effective but also easier to manage as both a coach and business owner. The strategies I’ve learned have improved my own productivity and confidence, allowing me to embrace my ADHD while adapting my environment, refining my processes, and advocating for what I need to achieve success on my terms.My clients have noticed significant improvements as well. We now identify core challenges and develop solutions much more efficiently, creating valuable space in our sessions for deeper exploration. One client even remarked halfway through our session, “Wow. You are good. Are we done already?” This extra time allows us to address limiting beliefs and shift perspectives, empowering clients to envision and step into higher versions of themselves.I highly recommend this course for any ADHD coach working with clients who are committed to their personal and professional growth.Can’t wait to see what’s next for us – I’m already brainstorming ways we might collaborate in the future!
Adela Baker
Professional Certified ADHD Coach
New Orleans LA - I was curious around Jeff’s claim that Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ was about taking an engineering mindset to help those with ADHD, and I signed up for the class. I was not disappointed. It was a complete shift in how we approach ADHD. The model removed all the emotions and subjectivity to identify the root cause and problem-solve more methodically. It really opened my eyes to what the condition is about, and I was excited to actually problem-solve for myself and those around me. If you’re a logical individual and want to make sense of things in a kind of black-and-white engineering mindset, spend the time to take this course. As I said, I wasn’t disappointed and I don’t think you will be.
Sumiko Stacey
Great Britain - I am an academic and executive function coach who works with high school and college/university students with ADHD. I signed up for Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ because I wanted to continue to broaden my understanding of ADHD to be able to educate and share concepts with my students. This program provided me with an abundance of knowledge to assist my students in being able to find solutions and accommodations that address the root causes of challenges. I feel confident to ask more powerful questions to support students in thinking through solutions, which will increase their confidence, and create balance and control in managing their daily lives that they can carry into adulthood.
Cheryl Keller
Academic & Executive Function Coach
Ontario, Canada - I highly encourage anyone struggling with ADHD to take the ‘Cognitive Ergonomics from the Inside Out’ course with Jeff. This program was truly transformational for me. It gave me a profound understanding of how my brain works and how to create system-level changes that support, rather than hinder, my cognitive processes. Jeff is an excellent teacher—his approach is both creative and thorough, making complex concepts accessible and practical. One of the most impactful aspects of the course was learning to design environments that work with my brain, not against it. The program was unique in its depth, helping me address the root level of my executive functioning impairments. Cognitive ergonomics has now become an instrumental part of my ADHD treatment plan, and I believe this course can be just as life-changing for others as it has been for me.
Laura Hudson
ADHD Coach
Canada - I have been an academic and EF/ADHD coach for the past 11 years, and I started a private practice in 2022. Admittedly, I am a professional development junkie. I am constantly in pursuit of new, innovative ways to support my clients. When I came across Jeff Copper’s Cognitive Ergonomics from the Inside Out™ course, I was intrigued. I just completed the course, and I feel like I have learned a ton. The approach is quite different from anything I’ve come across in all my time as a coach. Rather than simply focusing on helping clients fill their toolboxes with tools and strategies to conform to their environment, I’ve learned (and continue to learn) how to help clients create environments that conform to their ADHD! I would highly encourage everyone who has any sort of relationship with ADHD to take Jeff’s course! I am especially pleased for the opportunity to take a four-class extension workshop so that I can practice supporting my clients through Jeff’s AttentionScope® lens. What makes this workshop an invaluable opportunity is, unlike every other professional development opportunity I’ve engaged in, the majority of my classmates are NOT coaches, teachers, or clinicians — they are people who struggle to manage their ADHD and have not yet found effective ways to tackle their unique challenges. It feels like I am getting “insider information” rather than simply hearing from other experts in the field. It’s truly priceless.
Melanie Russell, MA (she/her/hers)
Academic & Executive Function Coach - I’ve known Jeff for years. I first met him during my ADHD coach training, where he challenged me to ask questions to get my clients to think more deeply. So when I heard him speak about his concept of Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™, I was intrigued and decided to enroll. As an ICF PCC-certified coach, I found the program invaluable in helping me understand why people do what they do. It gave me new insights into what’s going on and put me in a better position as a coach to ask questions and work with people to get to the underlying reasons they do what they do, or rather, why clients are not doing what they need, want, or “should” be doing. While intended for adults, I benefited from the program and applied the concepts to my adult clients. The program has benefits I could use for the clients I work with, most often children and adolescents and their families, to help them and adults better understand their behaviors of doing and not doing. Assisting parents to understand their kids and shift their mindset is the most challenging part of the change process in working with ADHD families. Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out (™) helped gave me a new way of asking questions to help create this shift. If you work to help those with ADHD, I encourage you to enroll in this class. It will give you clarity and make things logical even to those outside the ADHD community or who say they understand ADHD. Whoever you support in the ADHD community, this program can help you allow those you work with to better function in life in spaces not designed for our neurodiverse brains. You will be able to help them better accommodate their needs to be successful!
Mandy Hasslen, PCC
ADHD & Life Coach
Minneapolis MN - I am impacted on a daily basis by close family members who struggle with ADHD, and I have been on a long and arduous journey to help myself and those around me to deal with it in a positive way. Finally, a trusted resource told me about a new intervention. I was curious and signed up for the pilot program. Cognitive Ergonomics was a fabulous program and
a breath of fresh air in the complicated world of ADHD. It helped me begin to understand executive functions in a new way that made so much sense. It opened my mind to understanding and thinking about ADHD completely differently…in a way that makes sense and gives me a logical understanding of how the ADHD brain works. I’ve even begun to problem-solve on my own as a result of my new awareness. If you struggle with helping those with ADHD, I encourage you to consider this program. It will revolutionize your understanding of ADHD and executive function and will bring clarity to what works and what doesn’t work. Jeff brings novel solutions to those frustrated by ADHD. I’m so glad to have taken his course.L. Swanson - A standout feature of this program is its emphasis on addressing the “root cause” of your ADHD. By addressing the core issue of your specific ADHD impairments, you become empowered to develop strategies that address your unique flavor of ADHD. Yes, this program is empowering! Furthermore, it’s been weeks since I completed the course, and I still experience daily revelations from the ideas I learned. I believe the concepts I learned in this program will remain timeless in my journey to transform myself and others who seek to address their ADHD and develop themselves to the highest degree possible. I’m very excited to implement this fresh insight into my ADHD coaching approach, for it is a game-changer.
Coach J.
ADHD Coach - I hired Jeff Copper to be my mentor coach as a means to develop my coaching skills and understanding of ADHD. Working with Jeff put me in simulated experiences to understand executive function in a way that blew my mind. It was powerful. I encouraged him to actually roll this out to the public and Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out was born. I participated in the pilot program along with many of my clients’ parents. It was absolutely amazing. It brings clarity and understanding to ADHD in a way that has transformed my life, changed my coaching approach, and impacted my clients. If you have ADHD or are impacted by it, this is a program I encourage you to sign up for because it will bring clarity to so many things that were not explained before. In this class, and in my broader time working with Jeff I have felt seen, and heard in ways that I have never experienced prior in my life. My wife jokes there is a before Jeff Griffin and after Jeff Griffin, I think this perfectly sums up the impact of Cognitive Ergonomics and coaching with Jeff Copper.
Griffin Rouse
ADHD Coach
ADHD Parents
- When my teenage son was diagnosed with ADHD, I devoured dozens of books and podcasts in an effort to understand ADHD and help him with the many negative consequences in the wake of ADHD. Many only offered “tips, tricks, and hacks” that did not work for us. It was only through Jeff and his Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ program that I learned how an ADHD brain works. This course is not another gimmick. It will change your perspective on ADHD and teach you how to approach challenges in a different and productive way. The course requires a time commitment, but this new perspective cannot be rushed.
Parent of Teenager with ADHD - Cognitive Ergonomics has been very insightful in that ADHD is a thinking impairment. I initially contacted the creator of the program, Jeff Copper, for coaching my teenager who has a diagnosis of ADHD. Jeff called me from his personal phone while traveling to help me understand what he does. He doesn’t work with teens at this time, yet he invited me to join his program as a parent. I was very impressed that he took time to talk with me and still try to help. The problems for my teenager began impacting her function her junior year of high school. She lost interest in her academics, athletics and socializing. Jeff Copper helped me accept her thinking impairment. Then, to learn how his program helps me as a parent to be aware of what might be holding my daughter back. He has a very effective and concrete (and funny, at times) way of speaking so that it resonates with you. Using Jeff strategies, I think before I speak with my daughter and ask her pointed questions to help her realize her challenges with thinking and doing. She is more open with me and uses several of the strategies to accommodate her thinking impairment.
Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
Austin, Texas