- Why ADHD Group Coaching?
Group coaching is a cost-effective alternative to one-on-one coaching in a group learning environment. By way of this virtual group program, you’ll find power and connection in the ADHD tribe from the realization that others share your plight. Together, you’ll learn from each other and work toward moving forward in a safe environment protected by a level of anonymity. - How can I work on my individual goals in a group setting?
Our ADHD Group Coaching Program is unique. The program has two parts. The first is a workshop that sets up your mind to understand ADHD as a self-regulation and working memory challenge and to recognize the practical reasons behind why you procrastinate and teaches you how to map out your existing organization systems/processes and how to tweak them to work for you.The remainder of the program is to coach you in your new mindset around how to problem-solve customized ADHD solutions that work for you. Attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper will coach you on the fundamentals of problem-solving ADHD challenges. You learn from coaching and from your own experience, as well as listening and watching the experience of others.
Our unique methodology makes it possible for us to coach each person individually on different topics because the ADHD problem-solving process is the same based on a few identifiable variables outlined in the workshop portion of the program. The topic might be different, but the fundamentals are the same.
- What is expected of me?
We expect you to have an open mind and a desire to understand and be open to concepts that might be contradictory to your current mindset (like, there is a legitimate reason behind why you procrastinate). We expect you to put in effort. This program is about activation/execution/implementation of knowledge. Yes, it will be work, but you’ll be amazed at how much fun it will be! Isn’t fun the best thing to have? - What can I get coaching on?
You’ll definitely be coached on procrastination, but also on time blindness, disorganization, communication, managing money, studying, stress, emotional regulation, memory, distractibility/impulsivity, motivation, boredom, relationships, getting started, life balance, sleep, being immobilized with negative thoughts and more.
- Why ADHD Group Coaching?