Coaching Testimonials

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  • I reached out to Jeff for one-on-one coaching while I was struggling with ADHD, and it turned out to be a game-changer. I meant to write a testimonial when we wrapped up, but, well—life happened. Since then, I’ve applied so much of what I learned from Jeff, and it’s had a huge impact on both my life and my career (which has taken off in ways I didn’t expect). So, I’m circling back to say: working with Jeff was one of the best decisions I made. If you’re struggling and looking for support, I highly recommend reaching out to him.
    Lauryl Johnson
    Product Manager – Data Engineering
    Spokane WA
  • I was overwhelmed. I had a diagnosis of ADHD while I was a business earner and family man. I was just struggling. I reached out to Jeff to see if I could make sense of ADHD and live a life with less anxiety. Of course, it really wasn’t what I experienced with Jeff. He broke ADHD down in a logical fashion to help me begin to understand what worked and what didn’t. Something as simple as processing out loud with somebody, which absolutely made sense in my life. While working with Jeff, we got hit by a hurricane, which really upended my will. I learned a lot about ADHD, being engaged, and my ability to organize, as well as the adrenaline rush. Things have calmed down and I’m having to process the aftermath of doing so in days I had not imagined. If you struggle with ADHD and can relate to what I’m saying, give Jeff a call. I can’t guarantee you success, but if he can do for you what he did for me, you’ll be glad you invested the time.
    Josh Pennington
    Madeira Beach FL
  • I was overwhelmed, lost, and panicked. Life was out of control, so I reached out to Jeff Copper to get some coaching. I thought it would be an accountability and carrot-and-stick exercise. It wasn’t at all what I expected. In fact, Jeff was a little confrontational at times, called me out, a no BS approach. What I learned was fascinating. I’m clearly an intelligent person; however, I have some executive function challenges that I didn’t understand. Jeff helped me understand the executive functions individually and collectively. Understanding what was going on enabled me to own my ADHD as an impairment and build in the accommodations needed to reduce my stress and reduce overwhelm. Things have improved so much that I’ve been managing my life WITHOUT MEDICATIONS! Life’s not a piece of cake, but it’s a big difference from where I was, from being stuck and overwhelmed to actually being able to function without meds. If you struggle with ADHD and want to explore the option of maybe not taking meds, I encourage you to reach out to Jeff.
    Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
    Los Alamitos CA
  • I felt the walls closing in. With nowhere to go, my psychiatrist suggested I look for a coach and recommended Jeff. His style is hard to describe, which is what made it work for me. Instead of therapy sessions, or coddling me as an “impaired person,” Jeff exposed my issues immediately. This gave me confidence that he could teach me how to overcome these issues. He taught me how my brain worked, which gave me a framework to recognize the impairment that manifested and to find ways to accommodate it in a more productive way. What’s surprising is that it’s a lot easier than what I thought it was going to be. If you’re wondering whether Jeff could help you, reach out to him to have a conversation. His style is hard to describe, and sometimes he can be blunt, but from my perspective, he’s very effective.
    Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
  • I have been diagnosed with ADHD and have my dream job. It fits me well. Still my impulsivity is a challenge, and I was worried it could get me into trouble. I was referred to Jeff from my trusted physician. Jeff helped me understand ADHD and executive function impairment and the underlying reason that I struggle to self-regulate which explains my addictive-like behavior. In short, Jeff helped me manage my challenges by managing boredom. We brainstormed on what activities would engage my brain during times of boredom to thwart my urges to do something impulsive. I’m happy to report my main challenge has been reduced in half while unintentionally I’ve lost weight and my blood work has improved significantly. For those out there with ADHD who struggle with temptation regulations, you might consider working with Jeff. If you’re like me and you come to understand ADHD, it’s much easier to manage because it’s understood as opposed to just guessing.
    Senior Partner of a prominent Washington DC lobbying and consulting firm
    Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
  • At 47 I had hit the same roadblocks enough times to admit that I did not have the tools to overcome them myself, so I looked for an ADHD coach. I hunted around for ages. I thought I would get someone to help me identify my weaknesses and account for them. What I got was beyond my expectations. Jeff started by identifying my strengths, not weaknesses. He helped me understand and appreciate my mind, not as an obstacle but as an opportunity. He was firm and would not let me sulk in shame or self blame, which was frankly a bit disorienting as someone who has held on to the ADHD diagnosis as an excuse.. He didn’t give me tools; he empowered me to understand my mind, embrace my personality, and construct my own solutions to the challenges I want to take on. The best coach is the one you don’t need anymore because you actually learned something and changed. I am pleased to say that Jeff and I don’t work together anymore because I got so much out of working with him, but if you are just starting your work with Jeff, I am excited for you. He really, really cares about ADHD and people who work with it.
    Michael Kallus
    Litigation Finance/Business Development
    San Francisco CA
  • I’m an ER physician. One day I hit my breaking point. I just couldn’t keep up with the paperwork. I reached out to Jeff. I found him to be straightforward, no nonsense. He was able to explain ADHD in an executive function way that really made a lot of sense. In our work, I began to understand myself and ADD, gained the self-awareness of what worked and what didn’t work, and implemented what worked in no time. I found myself thriving in a way I didn’t see possible. Jeff is direct, matter-of-fact, and very logical. He gets to the root cause and can identify a situation like nobody’s business. If you’re struggling as I was, I highly recommend you have a consultation with Jeff to see if he can do for you what he did for me.
    Emergency Room Physician
    Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
    Tampa FL
  • I was struggling. The tools and strategies I had weren’t working. My relationship was in a bad place. I reached out to Jeff. I knew in our first call, when he asked me some very personal questions, this is going to be intense. Jeff helped me understand my ADHD in ways I had never seen. He helped me understand the underlying reasons I did what I did, and he helped me understand what I did naturally to compensate. The biggest thing Jeff helped me with was my emotional reactions. I had never dreamed how emotional I was and how unaware I was around myself. The education helped me gain control of emotions and the awareness of what worked, and all of a sudden, my world started to change. There were a few times that were challenging. He would call me out on things unexpectedly and held up a mirror so I could witness myself. Honestly, it was uncomfortable at times. In the end, it’s what I needed to get myself in line. The experience was magnificent. While my relationship is not where I want it to be, my life is looking up and there’s hope. If you struggle with emotions, or really just ADD, I would encourage you to talk to Jeff. He changed my life.
    Name Withheld from Public Display for Professional Reasons
    Channel Manager
    Seminole FL
  • Where do I begin? Booting up. First and foremost, it was an interesting couple of months, and I’m glad and honored to have had the opportunity to learn some things from you. Secondly, after graduating the Jeff Copper School of Cool, I now consider you a part of the Justin Trubela alumni, and you should be honored. Very few people make it to that prestigious status of touching my life the way you did. To that, I am tearing up and those are the moments that I cherish the most. So, thank you deeply.

    As I had, in a very long time, I add, one of the best days that I can remember (BTW, I’m now completely fine with knowing my memory is unique). It’s times like these that I can and do realize that I do stop and think to appreciate and reflect on just how grateful I am to meet the people that I do and to have the honor to have had the meaningful conversations with them that matter. I admit I probably could and should have called you more often to help me work through a bit with me more on my off days and probably could chalk that up to some nervousness and stubbornness, being a New Jersey native… haha, but I can for sure say you were doing me a great service the way you spoke to me and made me feel in this chapter of my life. As you have taught me, I need to rely on others to help me problem solve.

    At times it was a little overwhelming just as I expected. And believe me when I say this with love, but your rough exterior and hardships bleed through your words to the empathetic/emotional crowd. I’m sure your road to becoming as successful as you are now was not paved with Beanie Babies and effortlessness and that’s ok. A tough yet caring demeanor is but truly one of a kind and sometimes the only way that things should be handled in delicate times. I greatly needed that.

    Of course, as you very well know, I reacted… thought… handled… this time how I know best… and you guessed it… emotionally. It may just be me but I’ve thought about this a lot and I’m completely content with thinking with my heart first, because I know that, when I feel it, it’s real, and I know my heart is in it when it counts. Call it a gift and a curse, but I thank my aunt for instilling that in me as she raised me while my parents were not there for me. You remind me of her and her of you. Sacrifices of others will be felt and appreciated by those seeking.

    I found this picture hanging in the dean’s office at Seton Hall my first year of being bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to take on the world, on a day that was and is the most important day of my life. It was only because I was recently diagnosed with ADHD that I was in her office to let the school know that I needed to take a voluntary medical withdrawal. It seems like it was so long ago. It’s only 5 years, which feels like a lifetime when I found out that I had a difficult road ahead of me learning of my ADHD faults… and GIFTS. That is why I share these words and that initial image with you as it serves a reminder to all the lives that you have helped and will come to help in the future… because that is what it’s all about. Find your tribe to feel your vibes. Thank you.

    Justin Trubela
    Nutley NJ
  • Life sucked! For 44 years I felt different to everyone but couldn’t explain why.- On the outside to the average person, I was successful and winning in life. I didn’t realize the deep struggles I had with my self-confidence, my constant worries, my rumination, and, most troubling, that I didn’t like who I was as a person. I’d use booze or drugs as coping mechanisms and my health was suffering. I was burning out. Physically I broke down and had to find help. I was referred to Jeff. He helped me gain the self-awareness I needed to understand who I am. He brought clarity and sensibility to what was going on. Understanding my behavior through the lens of executive function enabled me to be able to problem-solve to outcomes I was looking for. My emotions and my feelings are much more stable, the roller coaster has stopped, and everything has softened around the edges. My anxiety levels have dropped, and I am conscious of when they start to rise and how to calm them. I am still the same person, but I am happier, healthier, and much more in tune with myself. I’m at peace. I’m content. For the first time, I like myself, thanks to Jeff. Thank you, Jeff. It’s been an incredible, life-changing journey. I’ll miss my weekly sessions with Jeff. Besides the coaching, there were also moments of connecting with him on a personal level, having a laugh, random bull shit, and checking in on each other’s life. He’s been a coach, a mentor, but also a friend. If you’re at wit’s end and look at yourself negatively, talk to Jeff. He might be able to transform your life like he did mine.
    Snowboard Backcountry Guide
  • I reached out to Jeff for ADHD coaching, expecting to learn a handful of new tools to manage my ADHD and for Jeff to do all the work for me. That’s not how things went. He was open, honest, and focused on helping me understand the ADHD brain and how my specific brain worked. The concepts he gave me helped me troubleshoot a lot of the “small” things I was worried about around the house or with tackling large work projects. Importantly, he helped me see how I struggled with emotional self-regulation and gave me concepts around how it works. He also gave me some helpful exercises to try on my own, which helped wonders. Above all, he acknowledged and celebrated my successes whenever either one of us noticed a win. This was great, especially when I didn’t see the win, but he also pushed when I needed it. Our weekly calls were great and a wonderful way for me to talk and think through my ADHD struggles. I hope he can do the same for you.
    Denver CO
  • I had been battling ADHD my whole life, though for a long part unaware of what it was. And after I became aware, it took a long time before I could find anyone who could explain it to me in terms that made sense. Then I stumbled onto the work of Dr. Russell Barkley, whose framework completely gibed with what I had been experiencing and, through a web search, stumbled upon Jeff, who is a big fan of Dr. Barkley and could provide me a way to put those ideas into action. I began working with Jeff and found him to be direct and sometimes confrontational, but he always used Dr. Barkley’s model in a very objective way that worked for me, and that made him easy to trust. Jeff’s goal was to take the emotion out of managing things so I could move forward. It took me awhile to begin to really understand ADHD and accept it for what it was. I was often resistant, even in the face of proof. Still, as time went on, it was undeniable. We worked together for almost a year and there was hardly a call when I didn’t come away having learned something. But it wasn’t always easy. Though I still struggled at times, one day I woke up and realized that I actually had to own this and implement it. That was my turning point. When I started to realize that I am not ADD and that I can’t beat it, I started working with it and a whole new road opened up. There were times I was upset with Jeff, but I realized his direct manner of confrontation was the thing that I needed for me to get over my emotions about ADHD and manage it in an objective way as opposed to emotionally. That’s why I always think of Jeff as a unique combination of empathetic coach and drill sergeant. After years of therapy and other self-help, Jeff’s straightforward, honest approach, and his ability to listen and get to the heart of things, was a breath of fresh air. I really believe this experience helped bring everything else together in a way that I could execute. If my experience speaks to you, I recommend you talk to Jeff to get some help.
    Tom Lyons
    Corporate Communications Consultant
    Zurich, Switzerland
  • Who would ever have thought that I was a good writer? Before coaching, I was struggling in my job, taking months to write investigation reports. In frustration, I reached out to Jeff to see if coaching would help. Jeff helped me understand ADHD like I’ve never dreamed. Understanding how much of it is a thinking impairment, not so much a focus problem. Since working with him, the reports that I’ve done have been completed in record time. Amazingly, I’m complimented for what a good writer I am. For my entire life, I’ve struggled with it, never realizing that I was actually a good writer. Jeff transformed how I see myself and how I work. Life is so much easier right now. I enjoy my job and am grateful to have direction. If you have ADHD or just struggle, consider working with Jeff. You might be surprised, like I am, to be really good at something that you never thought possible.
    Employee Relations
    Tampa FL
  • I found myself jumping around on tasks and work at home. I felt I needed to get more done in a day and realized my ADHD could be getting in the way. I reached out to Jeff. While I thought I wanted just a tip or a trick, Jeff helped me begin to understand it’s really about problem-solving. In my work, I began to understand executive functioning in the context of Dr. Barkley’s model and learning how to problem-solve. What I liked about Jeff is that he was very direct in his approach and very much about dealing with underlying issues. Today I’m much more relaxed, have less anxiety, and am managing myself in a much better way. For those out there who are struggling getting some things done, I would highly recommend working with Jeff.
    Ryan Ferry
    Business Owner/Electrician
    Indiana, USA
  • I was struggling with managing and prioritizing tasks. In frustration I reached out to Jeff. To my surprise, coaching was more interactive than I thought. Jeff helped me understand executive functioning and how it impacted my challenges in a way that made sense. He helped me understand the compensatory strategies I had instinctively developed. It was like he gave me permission to do things in a way that worked for me. This was a game changer. I’m able to get a lot more done now and manage tasks more effectively. I didn’t realize managing my ADHD could be so simple and so natural. If you’re struggling with cash management and problem-solving, consider talking to Jeff. He’s a fantastic resource and has greatly influenced my approach to life.
    Brant Peterson
    Farmer and Seed Sales
  • I was sitting at my dining room table one day, but nothing was getting done. In frustration, I reached out to Jeff Copper. Jeff is very direct, upfront, and honest. We talked about ADD in general and my version of ADD in a very factual way. To my surprise, he called me out on some emotional stuff and focused on what I do, what works, and why it works. It was transformational. It was spot on, and the patterns were clear. Since the coaching process, I’ve come to understand what works for me, and my competence is building every day. I’m looking forward to a new career and I’m very optimistic about my future. The thing about Jeff is he understands what ADHD is. He understands how to help people find out what works for them, and he doesn’t put up with a lot of emotional reactions. If you really want to get to where you want to go, I encourage you to call Jeff.
    Mikiel Peratino
    Human in Transition
    Ellicott City, MD
  • Honestly, I was struggling in school. My parents worked with me, trying to figure out organizational systems, but nothing clicked. Reached out to Jeff to see if he could help. The experience was interesting. I’m not sure what I was looking for in a coach. Maybe just some accountability, somebody to tell me what to do. What I got from Jeff was interesting. Is really more of asking me questions for me to think out loud and solve my own problems. When I realized how influential my phone was and really put it aside and began to externalize my thinking process, my life got better. I was able to organize myself, I was actually able to stay in school, my grades were increasing, things were a whole heck of a lot better. Just simply realizing how my brain works and studying my instinctive behavior to understand what worked for me was transformational. For somebody who was really struggling in school and found their groove, I would encourage anybody who can identify with my experience to reach out to Jeff. He certainly helped me; probably can help you.
    Sam Smith
    College Student and Tech Support
    Tampa, Florida
  • Before reaching out to Jeff, (and before getting diagnosed with ADHD), I’d spent years trying to find the perfect system that would fix my life. A system that would make me less forgetful, better able to focus, less emotionally reactive. I found a lot of systems (the self-help book market is thriving), but none of them worked long term. I emailed Jeff because he was offering something that I wasn’t able to get to on my own: a new perspective. And I have to say, he definitely delivered on that promise. Not only was he able to spot patterns and tendencies that were hiding in my blind spots, but his coaching also showed me how to take off some outdated blinders (AKA: unhelpful beliefs) that were preventing me from helping myself. Now, when I find myself banging my head against a problem, I ask myself WWJS (what would Jeff say?). Spoiler: it’s usually either, “Is there a different way to do this?” or “What expectation are you holding for yourself that’s not actually important or useful.” I’m still learning (and will continue until I die), but thanks to Jeff, I’m actually starting to understand what self-acceptance looks like on me. I’m enormously grateful to him for the things he’s taught me and to my 2021 self for being brave, taking a risk, and making an investment in my happiness and well-being that I hope pays dividends for years and years to come.
    Software Developer
    Toronto, Canada
  • I was frustrated, exhausted, and in despair. Wondering what was wrong with me and questioning my sense of purpose, I reached out to Jeff. He led me through a journey of self-discovery, which changed my beliefs about myself. It enabled me to look at myself through a more positive lens. To my surprise, I found an amazing number of things that work for me. It was a shock because I was dwelling on what didn’t work and didn’t realize all the clues to my success were in my successes. In being aware of what works consistently, I have less self-doubt and am more laid back. I have more life balance and more fulfillment. Today I’m excited about my work and my future, which has transformed my world. If anything I have said identifies with you, reach out to Jeff. He’s patient, and he’ll help you explore and discover the amazing parts of yourself that you never knew existed.
    Kristen Myers
    Nurse Residency Coordinator
    Iowa, USA
  • I was starting my own business and struggling. I decided to find a coach to help get myself organized. In working with Jeff, I began to understand my brain, how it thinks and how my own processes work. Oddly enough, I realized that I was organized in what I did, but it wasn’t the way I thought it was supposed to be. By understanding my natural self and how I do things, the patterns I use to do them, I was able to put together a business quicker than I had expected, and it is growing. It’s fascinating as I look back. It seemed so hard, but now, it’s so easy just by coming to understand executive functioning and how my brain works. I’m excited and hopeful for the future. If you are struggling as an entrepreneur and can identify with my plight, I encourage you to look to Jeff. He helped me. I’m sure he can help you.
    Sean Turconi
    Resume Writer
    Virginia Beach, VA
  • I had been trying to get my head around my ADHD by myself and just couldn’t do it. I reached out to Jeff in hopes that he could make some sense of the chaos in my mind. The experience was transformative. Jeff understands ADHD like no one I’ve ever met and he wouldn’t put up with my B.S. He called me out in a way that was appropriate. In the end, I realized how important it is to own my ADHD, which I do today. For the first time in my life, I really know what it’s like to be happy. It’s great to just be happy. If you want to understand ADHD and are open to owning it and letting Jeff call you out, here’s a guy that I would recommend.
    Suzanne Kouri
    Sr. Director, Principal and Major Gifts (Fundraiser)
    Boston, MA
  • Before coaching I felt like my “apple cart kept tipping over.” I reached out to Jeff with DIG Coaching for help. Before working with Jeff, I didn’t understand how emotions were part of ADHD and the role working memory plays with it. Jeff helped me understand how my mind works. For example, we worked on simple things, like paying bills, which I’ve struggled with before. Finally, I was able to figure out MY way and be comfortable with it. Through working with Jeff, I was able to better understand what works for ME and to simplify my life, which enabled me to manage my emotions in a much better way. Today I am in more control of my life and my reality. Every once in a while, “my apple cart still gets tipped over,” but now I’m able to recover quicker. If you struggle or have an “apple cart that easily tips,” I encourage you to reach out to Jeff.
    Registered Nurse
    Central Florida
  • As an entrepreneur and autodidact, I sometimes struggled with knowing if I was utilizing my ADHD to the best of its abilities. One of my goals for 2020 was to hire an ADHD coach, so I reached out to Jeff. Throughout our sessions, we worked through my areas of weakness. It turns out I was doing a lot of things right for my ADHD brain! Not only did we strengthen my weaker areas, but Jeff validated my brain, confidence and self-esteem. Being able to connect areas of weakness with my strengths and life experiences was one aha after another! Now I’m more sure of myself, more confident, and more able to delegate, (Which I couldn’t even begin to start doing pre-coaching!). If you are struggling just to understand your brain, I encourage you to consider Jeff. Sometimes just understanding the why is all you need in order to realize how you already naturally work best with your ADHD brain.
    Caroline Ritenour
    Entrepreneur and Autodidact
    Canfield, OH
  • Despite earning an advanced degree, ineffective therapy and untreated ADHD made life overwhelming. I’ve struggled with work, relationships, family and was devastated by an ugly divorce and child custody matters. Despite a childhood diagnosis of ADHD, doctors assured me I’d “grow out of ADHD,” so I lived in ignorance of how it impacted my thoughts, behaviors and interactions with others. Decades later, after considering the possibility that many of my most significant life challenges had similar origins, online research began to fill in some of my blind spots, but I didn’t know how to transfer that wisdom into action. I reached out to Dr. Barkley for his advice, and he recommended I contact Jeff. In working with Jeff, I began to realize how much my emotional responses played into my challenges with ADHD. I’d seen many therapists to deal with my emotions for years but was never advised how they were obstructing my attention and my ability to focus. Without understanding, I adopted my parent’s behavior and blamed myself for not working hard enough. I believed that the answer lay in my applying greater willpower to solve my problems, and so put my head down and tried harder. Working with Jeff, I began to realize the emotions that I was using were actually getting in the way. Jeff helped me learn to down-regulate my emotions and to think…to actually analyze what would make me go forward rather than just assuming that I would go forward by trying harder. It was a real challenge, but with the understanding Jeff has helped me gain, I’m starting to accept myself, and I have a bit more confidence. I still have a long way to go, but as I start to learn how to manage my emotions, I’m starting to see a path that brings me hope. If you have ADHD and have realized the role emotions play in your life, get some help from Jeff. If you’re going to problem-solve your way out of it, you need to use your thinking brain, not just your emotional brain and willpower to get you through it. There’s still hope!
    Louis Wellmeier
    Financial Planning Student
  • After decades of trying harder, I began to realize that what I was doing was not helping my ADHD. I’d heard about Jeff through different podcasts and reached out for coaching. In the end, my mindset changed. I see ADHD completely different from how I started. Understanding my ADHD has had a huge impact on my emotions. The fact that I understand myself and understand what works has allowed me to let go of who I thought I was supposed to be and accept who I am. With that has come an amazing amount of relief from the emotional challenges that I have and the struggles of trying to be somebody that I’m not. It’s like a monkey jumped off my back. Now my mind’s set up to look at my world and be myself completely differently. If my words resonate with you, I encourage you to reach out to Jeff. There’s a good chance he could do for you what he did for me.
    Erica Garcia
    Account Manager at Tech Company
    Chile, South America
  • My experience with Jeff was transformational. I have worked with mental health therapists in the past in an attempt to manage my ADD symptoms. They were helpful but were nothing compared to my experience with Jeff. I never realized the impact of ADD on emotional self-regulation. Jeff helped me understand ADD in a way that made sense, that I could understand and apply. He took the mystery out of all of it. In understanding myself and what worked, I was transformed. Today I can better regulate my emotions when confronted with tough issues. I have learned to put my emotions aside and consider the facts of the situation, thus acting upon these instead of my emotions. It has truly helped be a better parent to my ADHD child, a better spouse, and professional. I am so grateful. If you’re struggling with ADHD and want to understand yourself and what works, I encourage you to talk to Jeff and see if he is right for you. He was for me and I’m grateful for the experience.
    Social Worker
    Houston, Texas
  • I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD for a couple of years. I was curious to understand more. I felt like my life was in pretty good shape but could be better. I reached out to Jeff, initially really to understand ADHD with the intent of managing myself. Jeff did a really good job of putting me in experiences that I would actually understand my ADHD and how it manifests. I began to recognize things that I’ve been doing my entire life that actually work for me, but I hadn’t realized. The process was fascinating because I gained an incredible amount of self-awareness and realized that I didn’t really have to do that much to perform better, just tweak a few things and become aware. Gaining the knowledge provided clarity, much more confidence and self-esteem, and really what I’m doing. Even in areas where I wasn’t struggling desperately, I found a lot of benefit from Jeff that would encourage anybody out there who’s just curious about their ADHD. Working with Jeff can bring such clarity and common sense to the challenge. It’s worth the effort.
    Corey Johnson
    Commercial Real Estate Agent
  • While I have had success in life, it felt like I was doing it the hard way. I had gone to college but left because it wasn’t for me. I wanted to get into architectural fabrication, which I had pursued a degree in, but, instead, ended up on more of a trade school route. I found myself working next to people with master’s degrees, and because of my ADHD, I began judging myself, noticing organizational challenges and becoming frustrated. That’s when I started looking for help and found Jeff Copper. In working with Jeff, I learned that my real struggle was with working memory. I started to understand my ADHD, its positives and negatives, and begin to manage it with intent. Jeff helped me to realize everything I was doing right and the characteristics of the environment that I would thrive in. The job that I had picked was exceptionally good for me and the route I had taken was probably the most effective route. To my surprise at the end of our work, I got an amazing job performance bonus, higher than I expected, and a raise. Thanks to my work with Jeff Copper, I’m happier, more confident in what I do, and less judgmental of myself. If you can relate to anything I’ve said or if you feel like you need a different route, consider calling Jeff. If he can help you like he helped me, it’ll change your life.
    Andrew Murray
    Architectural Fabricator
    Tampa FL
  • Augh! That’s how I was before coaching… overwhelmed, stressed, had too much on my plate, felt disorganized, and couldn’t take anymore. I reached out to Jeff for some help. To my surprise, he narrowed my challenges down from a focus and time management issue to really one of working memory. As I began to understand working memory and that visual things help along with talking out loud, I was finally able to pause and actually manage my world. Simple things like thinking about when I wanted to say no but actually said yes. Pausing and asking myself how does what I’m doing serve me was a simple tool that enabled me to manage my world. Now I’m excited about the future. Things are not calm and never will be totally calm given the nature of my business, but I feel so much more in control. If you can identify with Augh! call Jeff. Have him talk to you. I recommend him to help you lower the stress in your life like he did mine.
    Kellee Smith
    Real Estate Agent
    DeLand FL
  • Before coaching, I was stressed, had a lot of anxiety, was overwhelmed, and was very, very depressed. The first time I spoke to Jeff, he said the most important thing I needed to do was take off the pressure. I had no idea what impact this had. Working with Jeff, I began to realize that pressure inhibits performance, at least in an area where I struggle. He said he couldn’t help anybody go forward if they kept focusing on just trying harder. It was when I relaxed that I began to realize how I did it, how things got accomplished, and how I could move forward. While he helped me understand ADHD in ways that I didn’t understand before, the single greatest thing was the realization that the pressure I put on myself was actually paralyzing. The more I relaxed and let go, the more I discovered what worked. The trick really was that Jeff knew what worked so it made it easier for me to relax and let go. For anyone reading this, if you feel anxiety, if you feel like you’re judging yourself and you hear yourself just saying I should try harder, I would encourage you to give Jeff a call. He’s got a different methodology and a way to help you understand things, relax, and thus move forward.
    Monika Olech
    Barcelona, Spain
  • I was struggling at work and found myself at a loss that I wasn’t able to get anything done. Paralyzed, I realized I needed to get help. I reached out to Jeff. All I can say is that it was an eye-opening experience. I learned so much more about myself, began to accept myself, and began to manage myself. Today I have more confidence in who I am and self-awareness. I still have room to grow, but I’m grateful to Jeff for helping me address what needs to be addressed. If you’re struggling out there and at a loss, let me encourage you, and I recommend you work with Jeff.
    Fort Lauderdale FL
  • Jeff helped me in many ways I never thought a coach would be able to. I am a senior manager in the semiconductor/computer industry and have been working with Jeff for a year and a half on a weekly basis. Within the first 6 months, the executive management of my company noticed my improvement, and ever since, they took over the coaching bills for me. My ADD makes me more creative than the average person, which has allowed me to design and implement transformational projects. The challenge for me, however, was to make the projects work practically in a fast-paced environment. Jeff has taught me to pay attention to how my brain works, which became a tool to manage my creativity towards the company’s goals. I’ve also become an active listener who is better at understanding mindsets and looking at the big picture while navigating my way through the challenges. Just by understanding and managing what my brain pays attention to, I have grown so much in the last year and a half. I have earned a new level of respect and trust from my peers that allowed me to have more decision making authorities and autonomy. I am enjoying my job more than ever, since now I can see challenges with a brand new awareness that Jeff helped me find. I will always be thankful for Jeff’s amazing coaching guidance. Thanks.
    Nadia Khatir
    Firmware Engineering
  • Before coaching, I felt like a hot mess. My life was out of control. I had been to therapy but didn’t find it useful. I listened to one of Jeff’s podcasts and decided to give coaching a whirl. To my surprise, this hot mess has her act together. Jeff helped me understand who I am and my natural systems. Despite my negative judgments, Jeff proved I had an organization system within my chaos. Only now do I realize “chaos” was my emotional reaction to my working memory challenges. Once we mapped things out, we made a few very small tweaks that relieved my anxiety. I began to notice myself in a different way. While I was still a hot mess, I had a sales funnel (evidence I was successful). I was being successful in ways that nobody else was and was judging myself incorrectly. In the end, Jeff helped me recognize my authentic self. With that, my emotions began to decrease, and my confidence began to rise. I have to be honest l It wasn’t quite what I expected. Jeff did say that we were going to laugh out loud in our work, and he delivered on his promise. If you feel like a hot mess, disorganized and out of control, and even struggle, and want a laugh or two, call Jeff. If your experience is like mine, he’ll be invaluable.
    Emily “The Hot Mess with a Sales Funnel” Crowe
    Realtor, South Carolina
  • I had had a coach in the past, but after listening to Jeff’s podcast, I was curious, so I decided to hire Jeff as my coach. To my surprise, Jeff didn’t talk theory. He was able to frame things out in a way that kept things very simple, very actionable, and I learned quite specific things about myself that I hadn’t learned in reading the self-help books or from my other coach. Jeff’s focus on helping me try to problem-solve for my ADD was spot on. I’m able to manage myself in ways I never dreamed and know the root cause of what’s going on. It’s almost like Jeff helped me write my own user manual. If you have ADHD or are a logical thinker, need to understand yourself, and need a frame of reference in a way that makes some sense that you can keep simple and execute, give Jeff a call. If your experience is anything like mine, it’ll be transformational.
    Richard Harris
    Real Estate Developer
    United Kingdom
  • A series of events unfolded in my life that led me to hire Jeff Copper to help me manage my ADHD. The experience was amazingly insightful. I never realized what a huge role emotional self-regulation plays in the ADHD experience especially in the content of making decisions and forming perspective. What is amazing about Jeff is that he was able to make things tangible so I could begin to understand it and understand the role of emotion, as well as how I actually down-regulate it. When I’ve been able to down-regulate my emotions and get some clarity, I’ve been activating so much more. If you struggle with emotional self-regulation and find yourself often paralyzed, call Jeff. He might be able to help you manage your emotions and manage your world.
    Dominic Velando
    Animation Artist
    Tampa FL
  • Before coaching, I was overwhelmed and felt unsuccessful in my career. In my early 30s I was diagnosed with ADHD and was devastated. I reached out for help. In working with Jeff, he helped me begin to understand who I am and how I work. His insights on ADHD and the challenges that we face enabled me to problem-solve and begin to underline the key drivers that were getting in my way. My biggest challenge is working memory. Because it was such a challenge and I didn’t notice it, I had a lot of issues that manifested as shame and blame, and I was very emotional towards myself. Once we began to connect the dots, I learned how I could manage some of the challenges of working memory, and I and others began to see success. My emotions were then in check, and I re-wrote my self-image. It’s strange to say, but the more I focus on who I am, the more successful I am. Today I accept myself for who I am and what I’m capable of and find I am advocating for myself, which is something I never dreamed. My experience working with Jeff changed my life.
    Meredith M.
    Problem-Solving Logistics Manager
    Naples FL
  • I am realizing how pervasive other people’s perspective on what I should and should not be able to do has infiltrated my life. I knew that it was affecting my daily life. I just didn’t see how much it shaped my self-view. This week I realized and accepted the challenges I face in formal meeting settings. I have accepted other people’s interpretation of my silence as a sign of stupidity and incapability. The reality is, when asked an unexpected question, my working memory is challenged in ways that make it difficult for me to process, retrieve, and formulate an answer that adequately answers the question and reflects my reality. With this realization I am starting to create a better understanding of what my needs are within these contexts. I am practicing with voice to text. I am exploring when it’s appropriate for me to see my text and when it may be appropriate to reply via email by audio recording. I am exploring when and how to ask for conversation topics ahead of time for meetings. I am discovering the value of agendas and how to utilize them to prepare myself. With this realization and reconsideration of these tools and my needs, I am challenging an underlying belief that certain types of preparedness are somehow cheating the system; that those who rely on certain forms of preparation and self-advocacy are somehow less than. It is these realizations that I want to hold near. I want to remember this journey so that in my own advocacy out in the world beyond myself I can educate others of the underlying messages that are sent unintentionally without thought or consideration. It is these messages that paint how children view and understand themselves. Without giving us time to understand ourselves, our needs, and HOW these tools can support us, our willingness to adapt, accept, request. or demand simple supports and tools is compromised and continues to challenge our ability to navigate through the world in a more meaningful way. Yesterday was a hard day. I received some news regarding my children’s support that rocked my foundation. It took a lot of time and thinking to process through what had changed, what had stayed the same, and how I should respond. I was able to quickly identify that I needed time to emotionally process the situation. I was able to assess who I needed to find to support the situation or who I already knew to help. Overall, it took me about 10 hours to identify, process, regroup, communicate, problem solve, respond, and move through everything that I needed to in order to address the situation at hand. There will continue to be reactions and fallout in the coming days, and I know that I am standing on firm ground today. Others may think that 10 hours sounds like a long time. In the past my spin-out would have continued to impact my day-to-day life for days or weeks to follow. I am proud and confident in myself in this moment right now. It has been a long time since I have felt so sure-footed. I truly believe that the group coaching has leveled up my self-awareness that made this growth possible. I have worked with other coaching programs that started on the journey of self-curiosity. But it is the DIG Coaching program that has helped me see, understand, and believe in my whole self. I was safe to explore my unique and quirky intuition in ways I never had permission to explore.I have more to my journey, I am sure. And I am happy to be where I am today. Thank you for your patience, support, and perspective.
    Nelly Brown
  • Before coaching, I struggled making decisions and lacked confidence. I reached out to Jeff Copper on referral from Dr. Charles Parker. What I got out of coaching was an awareness of ADHD and what I was doing right. I also gained a lot of awareness on what I was all about, as well as knowledge of key drivers and characteristics that seemed to be present whenever I was successful. Through this process, it helped me gain a lot of clarity and a lot of confidence. Today I’m more confident and have expectations that are aligned with my capabilities. It is amazing what awareness and an understanding of who you are and why you do what you do can bring sense to the work. If you are successful but lack confidence, call Jeff.
    (Name withheld from public display)
    Software Engineer, Google, New York
  • I was desperate, in need of relief, struggling at work, and realized I needed to do something. I reached out to Jeff for attention coaching. In the process, Jeff had amazing ability to see things as they really are, not how I perceived them to be. As he began to help me witness my natural behavior through the lens of ADHD, I began to realize how efficient I was, how productive I was, and how much better I can do if I just accepted things for how they are and did it MY WAY. Over a period of time, I felt like Jeff helped me write my own user manual. Literally, it’s almost like, whenever I have a problem, it’s turn to page six and I know what to do. For me, it’s been amazingly helpful, both from a productivity perspective and an emotional perspective to see how I really am. I’m excited about myself; I’m excited about the future. If you’re somebody who would like to have a user manual and just need somebody to help you see things how they really are, I highly recommend having a conversation with Jeff.
    (Name withheld from public display)
    Senior Manager, Dunlap IL
  • Oh, my God! Jeff is one of a kind. I am an engineer by trade. Before working with Jeff, my emails were really all over the place, and I thought I needed an organizational system. Thinking that we were going to find an app, a trick was the mindset that I had when asking Jeff to help me organize my emails. To my surprise, he took an engineering approach. The first thing he said is that we need to map out my current system. I really didn’t think that I had a system, but as we began to map it out, I began to understand there was a sense of a system, but I was overwhelmed. We then looked at the nature of the emails that were coming in to determine how best to process them. In walking our way through that, I got an amazing amount of clarity. I was able to do a few small things that enabled me to go through them every day to drastically reduce the number by simply deleting ones that were unnecessary, moving information to archive files, and processing the ones that remained. What’s interesting to me is, once that all clicked, everything made sense to me and I knew what to do. In short, I was surprised because Jeff took a very much more industrial engineering approach. By defining existing processes and then just making a few minor tweaks once I understood the process, it was revolutionary. If you struggle with organization, Jeff is an engineer who will help you identify your existing systems and make minor changes to revolutionize your world. If this speaks to you, I encourage you to reach out and have a conversation with him.
    Nadia Khatir
    Software Engineer
    Toronto, Canada
  • Before working with Jeff as an attention and executive coach, I had many successes in my life. Jeff helped me to understand more clearly who I am, what I do, and what comes natural for me. This validated my understanding of my leadership, communication, and processing style. In short, it shifted the way I think to help me problem-solve how to be more productive with more intention. I encourage other department heads or managers who want to become more efficient to work with Jeff. His simple insights really make a difference.
    James Bishop
    VP of Distribution & Inventory Control
    Global Widget, Tampa FL
  • When I started coaching, I had just made a major life change and wasn’t adjusting well. My mind became scattered. I was totally disorganized and overwhelmed all the time. With some anxiety and depression leading to low self-esteem, I just couldn’t pull it together. I felt very comfortable with Jeff from the beginning; he just seemed to get me. He is incredibly knowledgeable about ADHD. We developed skills and strategies to work with my particular ADHD issues of procrastination and low motivation, such as verbal processing and journaling, which helped pull my life together. I realized over time my mindset had changed from one that was mostly negative to now positive. My thinking shifted from “No way can I do this” to “Wait, maybe I can if I look at it a different way.” This led me to accept myself where I am, knowing I had the power to makes changes in my life if I wanted to. Jeff was always there to support and encourage me along the way. He was excited for my successes. For the first time in my life I feel genuinely happy. I have a smile on my face. People treat me differently, which is a gift and a surprise. I only wish I had learned some of this self-understanding 30 years ago. If you are really having a hard time making sense of it all and need to turn things around, I recommend Jeff. He understands ADHD and attention like no one I’ve ever met. If you are lost, have anxiety, and are struggling to get through your day, give Jeff a call.
    Linda Dashiell
    (Retired) Virginia
  • I was in college, struggling a bit. My parents were frustrated and constantly nagging me. They researched and found a coach for me to have a discussion with. Talking to Jeff Copper, my pessimism over getting help and the coaching concept subsided. We began to work together, which to my surprise was a lot of fun. Jeff helped me work in a very, very natural way to reveal many things about ADHD that I hadn’t known. Understanding it as a self-regulation, working memory deficit enabled us to problem-solve and find strategies that worked for me. My grades went up across the board almost a letter grade. A semester later, I’ve been able to maintain them on my own. For those college students out there who struggle with ADHD, I encourage you to have a conversation with Jeff. He made learning about myself and managing my ADHD fun and enjoyable.
    Theo Jensen
    Student, Denver CO
  • Just wanted to follow up and tell you how much we appreciate all that you have taught us over the past 4 weeks. We are all better prepared to manage ADHD symptoms in ourselves and have empathy for others who struggle! Our anxiety has greatly diminished because we feel better educated to recognize and address issues in ourselves and in our son and extended family members.
    The Kaleda Family
    Woodbridge VA
  • Before coaching, I was performing well in a corporate upstart in the financial and accounting department, building out a system so that we would have confidence and reliability in our numbers. In working with Jeff, I began to understand how I process information and gained significant insight on how to be more efficient in problem-solving and communications and to address procrastination effectively. In a short period of time, I really got to the core of who I am and understand myself much better. My new mindset has enabled me to problem-solve on a regular basis in something as short as five quick coaching calls. If you know that you’re capable of more, I recommend looking to Jeff to help you understand how you can be more efficient.
    Robert M. Burkey
    Director of Accounting & Finance
    Global Widget, Tampa FL
  • I was on an ADHD emotional roller coaster before I came to coaching. My psychiatrists and psychologists had me focus on the emotional systems, not the core underlying issues of ADHD. Jeff was radically different. He helped me understand my natural patterns of attention, existing processes, and organizational systems that worked. As I began to manage myself with intention, I saw success. This was transformational for me. Over time, Jeff put a spotlight on my pattern of success, and my emotional ADHD roller coaster disappeared. My confidence improved and, with it, my self-esteem. Now the world is coming to me with opportunities I never dreamed of and I’m excited to see what my new life brings. If you’re struggling to understand what works for you, I highly recommend Jeff as a coach.
    (Name withheld from public display)
    Airline Pilot, Asia
  • Before coaching, I felt overwhelmed, frustrated, and to an extent made to feel broken. Starting coaching was a bit difficult because I didn’t really know where this was going, and it took a while for adjustment. Particularly putting a spotlight on things that I had struggled with. Jeff helped me understand ADHD at a very insightful level to understand why I do what I do. Then I began to understand characteristics of my challenges, and he really taught me how to problem-solve on my own. By taking some of the fundamentals of myself and the characteristics of the situation, I now feel like I have the ability to move forward in life. Not just doing the things that I struggled with, but actually finding new solutions in the future to things that might come up. I’m really grateful to Jeff and recommend him to anyone out there who is feeling overwhelmed and not really sure where to go, what to do. Jeff is the type of guy who will really help walk you through this.
    Leslie Davis
    Lakeland FL
  • Before the workshop, I thought I understood ADHD as a condition. After the workshop our family understands ADHD in a completely different light. Jeff was able to explain ADHD in very simple terms, and the attention exercise had a profound impact, some aha moments, and a catalyst to shift my mindset. I truly feel like I’m much more empathetic to the plight of my kids who struggle with ADHD and realize why some things I had expected of them were unrealistic. Result of the workshop: I feel much more empowered to be supportive of those I love. If you are impacted by those with ADHD and want to really connect with them and understand more what they’re going through to help them, I highly recommend this program.
    Cindy Crookston, Jim & the Crookston family
    Tampa, FL
  • I came to coaching with a pretty good understanding of who I was and what I did, but I always knew that I could improve and learn. In working with Jeff, he helped me understand how I pay attention to things in a revolutionary new way. His insight, on the insightful thinking process, revolutionized how I manage myself. I never understood it as a process, and what one could do to facilitate it, and the reason that it’s so unpredictable. I also learned how to articulate myself. I also learned that the way I think and see the world is different from everyone else, which began to explain why I have difficulty communicating things. In working with Jeff, he helped me understand how visual graphics can help me think through what I see, answer questions, and use as an outline to continue more effectively with others. In the end, Jeff proved me right. There’s always room to improve, and if anyone wants insight on themselves, I highly recommend Jeff.
    Brian Williams
    Director of Purchasing & Inventory
    Global Widgets, Tampa FL
  • I came to coaching out of a desire to understand how I’ve had success in my work world but struggled to understand my own emotional world with ADHD. A friend referred me to Jeff who, after understanding my strengths and adaptations in living with ADHD, explained it in very practical, vivid terms. Understanding the fundamental challenges all persons with ADHD face, recognizing that there are common struggles we all share, and learning about the biological manifestation of symptoms all gave me the insight to manage my own circumstances simply because I could now understand and recognize what was happening. Very quickly, I was able to begin to recognize, manage, and respond appropriately to the emotions of those around me as well as my own. Jeff helped me to understand my brain, how it works, and empowered me with the ability to begin to manage my responses to those emotions. I recommend that you spend some time talking to Jeff. He is likely able to put things in terms to enable you to overcome obstacles you have struggled against for years–simply by helping you understand them in light of ADHD.
    Allen O.
    College Professor
    Lorraine, FL
  • Before coaching, I knew I needed my personal insights but couldn’t articulate or remember them. This constant focus on trying to recover my “tools” was sapping my energy and affecting my life. Jeff Copper is all about insights and I lucked out stumbling upon his website and then calling him. He understood what ADHD is all about and through his coaching was able to help me see what I was not seeing. If you can’t articulate what you think you want or need, call Jeff. He had the insights on how to help me; I’m confident he can help you.
    (Name withheld from public display)
  • The light bulb went off for me when my son was diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD explained why I struggled with procrastination and impulse control. I needed help and my physician suggested ADHD coaching. In working with Jeff, I was surprised. I had figured Jeff would help me figure out what I should do… teach me systems or give me tools and show me how to use them. Instead, Jeff coached me to recognize what already was working and build on it. The easy part was moving past my procrastination to deal with it. What was surprising and counterintuitive was that it was hard to change my mindset that it could be so easy if I did it my way. In the end self-awareness was all I needed. Jeff was right. Hard is overrated. Thanks, Jeff, for coaching me to discover my natural processes to move forward in a fashion that comes easiest to me. If you want systems or tools, read the books. If you want insights, I recommend talking to Jeff.
    James Loftus
    Corporate Development
    Northern California
  • I have had Jeff as my coach for over a year. I am a practicing attorney. It is not an exaggeration to say that in some ways he saved my life. I had recently been diagnosed with ADHD and was really having a very hard time. I had a coach but she was unable to help me. Since working with Jeff, my productivity and happiness have increased immeasurably. I was not an easy client and I resisted him and his ideas. But I stuck with it and am eternally grateful that I did. With guidance, expertise, and much patience, he has helped me learn how I need to do things in order to get things done. I no longer tell myself how I “should” be doing something or get angry at myself because I need to do something differently from others. I can rely on what Jeff’s guidance has taught me, which is to know what works for me and apply it to all aspects of my life. I owe Jeff a debt of gratitude and recommend him highly.
    Alice Reiter Feld
    Attorney, Coral Springs FL
  • My calling to learn and become an ADHD coach was exciting. Being critiqued by a mentor coach in a class seemed a bit intimidating. I was anxious and nervous with a hint of curiosity but managed to enroll in Jeff’s Aha Group Mentor Coaching program. Jeff, as expected, challenged me as I was outside of my element. Reflecting on the experience, I now realize the application of coaching principles is a radical shift in perspective. It’s not something that comes naturally. It is about becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. I haven’t mastered the mindset yet but “get” the challenge and the power of being in that space. Now, I’m growing as a coach, which is why I enrolled. If you’re uncomfortable being uncomfortable, Jeff’s Aha Group Mentor Coaching Program is a safe place to make the transition. I am so grateful for the experience. Thanks for everything, Jeff!
    Jennifer Giles
    ADHD Coaching Student
  • Having ADHD, I was struggling in college. Procrastination haunted me. Fortunately, my mother helped me look into ADHD coaching and found Jeff. Together we worked to identify the root cause and witnessed my natural means to meet deadlines and to perform. My grades have improved, which has helped with my anxiety. Any college student with ADHD should consider working with Jeff. It helped me!
    Jillian Fernandez
    College Student, Tampa FL
  • You see the physicians, read the books, and talk to people and then begin to feel like you understand ADHD. In time, we could begin to talk the ADHD talk but there was a disconnect. We were looking for a logical understanding of ADHD that we could use to clearly make sense of things and support our son. Jeff’s “Ohhh… NOW I get it” program was transformational. It was just like the title said. Now I get it! Jeff was able to boil ADHD down to simple, practical terms in ways we could understand the ADHD experience and make sense of it. But more than that, we could confidently understand and somewhat experience the challenges of ADHD. In other words, I believe I got a glimpse of what it is like to walk in the shoes of ADHD. What didn’t make sense before now makes sense in a way that is empowering. Jeff’s program shifted my view, my husband’s view, and now we have better two-way communication with our son and a newfound sense of direction of hope. I highly recommend this program to anyone impacted by ADHD, especially to those who have any doubt that they truly understand ADHD!
    Lynn N.
    Sarasota FL
  • Coaching with Jeff helped me to think differently about solutions, not just do things differently. This change in thinking has formed my whole life, not just with issues of productivity. Going in, I thought I’d solve some issues, make some decisions better, and become more productive. Coaching with Jeff is much more than just solutions for particular needs. He helps you to think differently about the root causes of why all previously tried solutions haven’t worked for you. He helps you to visualize your own attention, how you pay attention, and not just what object you pay attention to. This is what sets him apart. It’s tremendously enriching. And of course, the other issues found solutions. I learned how paperless really means less for me, how I need to flesh out my thoughts on paper. I learned how to set up my home, office, and life so that I can allow creative ideas to be collected, sorted, decided on, and realized. Coaching with Jeff has given so much for me to move forward now.
  • I am a 64-year-old retired professor, and my attention deficit symptoms have grown worse in recent years following the death of my spouse three years prior. I was referred to Jeff Copper in July 2016 by my psychiatrist and remained engaged with him until November. The referral was provided in response to my current boss’s threat to fire me if my error rate, forgetfulness, and poor listening did not improve. I should note that my ADD symptoms and anxieties are made much worse by a fear of criticism by my boss or others (social anxiety), and when this occurs, my thinking becomes fuzzy from the adrenaline response. The errors and the forgetfulness are very embarrassing and frustrating. I had reached a point where I felt there was no one that I could talk to who could understood or help, making me feel very much helpless and alone. I found Jeff to be a very smart and resourceful guy, and his confidence initially helped me to believe that I could reduce errors and forgetfulness or at least cope with the negative feelings I held towards myself when I made an error. Jeff is extremely insightful and almost always on target. Having the weekly insight, structure, and support helped me to stay focused on my problem and remain on task in doing things, culminating in surviving my job and feeling better about myself. Jeff had many, many great suggestions that helped to improve my problems (e.g., tips on increasing listening, methods of checking my own work, asking for help, closer attention to making entries on calendars, close monitoring of my cell phone notifications to remind me of appointments, getting everything onto my task list, taking steps to avoid and recover from panic symptoms). In addition, Jeff’s structure and encouragement helped me to get serious about doing these things. In addition to Jeff’s amazing insights and tips that can aid with managing my symptoms, I became comfortable working with him on such personal issues, despite my initial embarrassment. In the second session, I told him that I was afraid and embarrassed of letting another know of my errors, lack of attention, and forgetfulness. This was a turning point in our relationship as he was able to comfort me and help me to realize that I was safe and could trust him not to be critical. From there, the relationship remained great and I looked forward to our weekly sessions. Jeff also helped me to see that I was a highly intelligent and skilled individual, producing some amazing work, and that my boss was not the best in the way he handled things. This helped me to feel better about myself. Some of my problems were due to my boss’s excessive criticism and failure to provide the support I needed. I learned from this to ask if I could have a “dry run” when I presented something complex to a point that my boss is now much more tolerant of errors uncovered during an initial presentation. During this time, errors, lack of attention, and forgetfulness improved quite dramatically, perhaps as much as half of the previous rate. This came from a combination of Jeff’s support, tips he had suggested, more systematic methods of double-checking my own work, and steps to reduce the effects of anxiety. Although I’m still not good at stopping the effects of adrenaline, I am much more aware of my states of mind and prepared to cope until right mind is restored. In summary, my work with Jeff was very helpful and I would recommend him to anyone who has similar problems and is motivated to make changes.
    (Name withheld from public display)
    Former Professor, Author, CEO & CFO
    Tampa Bay FL
  • My academic experience was a roller coaster. I would struggle with school, be down and out, pressure would be on, and I would be able to perform just well enough to get back into the game. The living by deadlines and pressure was exhausting and I knew that I was capable of more. Not being a fan of therapy, counseling, or psychologists, the notion of an ADHD coach caught my eye, so I contacted Jeff Copper. In working with him, I learned he takes a very pragmatic approach at focusing on my natural process to move things forward. At first, I had difficulty embracing it, because I had many beliefs in place, that I shouldn’t be a certain way or I shouldn’t do it a certain way. Jeff helped me not only to understand how I did or when I did it, but he pointed out the overwhelming evidence that it worked. As I began to embrace what worked and to apply it, success came, and I became more confident. At some point in time, it just became easier to take the natural path. Moving forward, I’m excited about the future. I’m no longer just surviving to get by, but actually have had evidence that I can drive without the need of an impending deadline. If you relate to anything I’ve said, I encourage you to reach out to Jeff. I highly recommend him and endorse him.
    Dan Gallagher
    College Senior
  • I am a lawyer in Florida with ADHD who only started to learn about it and its impacts on my behavior within the last several years. Only after I received a clinical diagnosis was I willing to accept that I did have ADHD, after which I also started reading about it and trying to understand how it impacted my behavior. I found very Melissa Orlov’s work on ADHD and marriage, which was the main source of my conflict, were very helpful, but what I read was presented as a guide, not a solution. As part of that guidance, she recommended taking a “three-legged stool” approach, one of which legs was coaching. Jeff Copper was included on her list of recommended coaches, which is how I ended up connecting with Jeff. At least for me, reading and understanding about how ADHD impacts my behavior and my relationships with others, particularly my spouse, could only go so far. What Jeff brought to the table is something that only a good coach could do, but something about which I started with skepticism, because I did not know how it could add value. Jeff began to help me understand natural processes that I used to manage my emotions, which were working for me but I was not conscious of. As we worked together, I began to understand exactly what was happening and to understand my process. It helped me understand more clearly my natural patterns of attention. The coaching was very helpful for me because, like other types of coaching, he gave me drills and repetitions, now directed towards managing my emotions and my impulses rather than how to swing a bat or block and tackle—but in a way, the same underlying approach, teaching skills with practice. Things began to click, and I got my Aha! Today, things are much clearer to me in embracing who I am. As a result, I’ve begun my journey more consciously, regulating my emotions and my attention, which I work on daily. When I came to Jeff, it was really about relationships, but I came to realize I’m understanding myself and more accepting of myself, which, for me, will have a profound impact on my relations and my ability to manage.
    State of Florida
  • I was diagnosed with ADHD late in my life; I was 58. I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone said, “You have so much energy; don’t you ever get tired?” I now know that it is ADHD’s fault, but I wouldn’t change anything about who I am! I personally find there are many advantages to having ADHD and I would like to name of few of my personal favorites: a big heart, many wonderful friends, a great personality so I have been told (not bragging), I know what everyone is doing in my classroom (and I mean everyone), I work hard at being organized… and that’s okay… and I have never been bored in my life! Here are a few of the not-so-good ones: I am usually not early… okay, just on time or a few minutes late; my spontaneity can be good or not so good; relationships are challenging if that other someone does not accept us for who we are; I can be pretty hard on myself, and I get overwhelmed at times. Ones that drive me crazy are: looking for my cell phone or wallet or sometimes forgetting what I was talking about when I was distracted. Sound familiar? Jeff has given me strategies to help me not be overwhelmed by understanding what my brain is doing to protect me… fight or flight. I now turn those situations into positive outcomes. We can be pretty hard on ourselves, and the one thing that touched my heart was the week I was told to celebrate being me. Sounds simple, doesn’t it; but it isn’t. We can be very hard on ourselves. Thanks to Jeff for changing the ways I think about ADHD and making me stronger!
    P.S. Jeff, I know you probably know that I enjoyed writing this and had some tears falling at the same time. I hope someone can identify with it.
  • I was diagnosed with ADHD late in my life; I was 58. I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone said, “You have so much energy; don’t you ever get tired?” I now know that it is ADHD’s fault, but I wouldn’t change anything about who I am! I personally find there are many advantages to having ADHD and I would like to name of few of my personal favorites: a big heart, many wonderful friends, a great personality so I have been told (not bragging), I know what everyone is doing in my classroom (and I mean everyone), I work hard at being organized, and that’s okay… and I have never been bored in my life! Here are a few of the not-so-good ones: I am usually not early… okay, just on time or a few minutes late; my spontaneity can be good or not so good; relationships are challenging if that other someone does not accept us for who we are; I can be pretty hard on myself, and I get overwhelmed at times. Ones that drive me crazy are: looking for my cell phone or wallet or sometimes forgetting what I was talking about when I was distracted. Sound familiar? Jeff has given me strategies to help me not be overwhelmed by understanding what my brain is doing to protect me… fight or flight. I now turn those situations into positive outcomes. We can be pretty hard on ourselves, and the one thing that touched my heart was the week I was told to celebrate being me. Sounds simple, doesn’t it; but it isn’t. We can be very hard on ourselves. Thanks to Jeff for changing the ways I think about ADHD and making me stronger!
    Middle School Music Teacher
    Tampa Bay, Florida
  • I had been successful in life and ventured off on my own. While I was surviving, I knew I was capable of more. To fast-track my process, I reached out to Jeff Copper for a little coaching around my ADHD and my business. While I had thought it would take longer, I had three Ahas, which completely changed the way I look at things and enabled me to look forward. It was so powerful. Jeff didn’t even have to coach me on what to do; I just naturally did it. Today, I can see the path moving forward and how I can build a business around who I am and, to a certain extent, play to the strength of my ADHD. I really got value in working with Jeff Copper and I recommend him highly.
    Bobby Diaz
    Focus contact and detail in custom travel
    South Florida
  • I reached a frustrating point in my life after being laid off from my job and trying to figure out what to do next. I have had many different career paths in corporate America and was good at all of them. I had always been successful at whatever job I had and at all the new exciting hobbies I picked up over the years, but I had never really mastered anything. I actually started being hard on myself for being good at too many different things! I wanted to pursue the only thing in my life that had been consistent, which was fitness and sports.
    ….. I stumbled on Jeff’s website by searching the web for a life coach. It didn’t even dawn on me to find a life coach who specialized in ADD/ADHD. But I’m so happy I found one who did! From the first free phone consultation, I knew Jeff understood my frustrations and wanted to help. He was passionate about his job and incredibly knowledgeable in his field. And it showed. This makes a huge difference when hiring a coach! You want someone that you feel wants you to succeed and is connected to the goal.
    ….. I wanted out of corporate and wanted to start my own business. However, I was paralyzed with fear, of the unknown, of failure, success, what steps to take and the big one – Is this going to be another one of my ADHD ideas that won’t last? With ADD/ADHD combo, you start to learn your pattern of constantly finding the next shiny thing. What I wanted was to find my shiny thing that would last.
    ….. And this is where Jeff shines. He shows you how to find what works for you and what comes natural and easy by simply asking the right questions and showing you a different way to look at things. For example, I wanted to start my own personal training company. First step? Get certified as a personal trainer. Sounds easy enough except I have an extremely hard time sitting down. I like to read and learn, but I don’t like to study, per se. I was banging my head against a wall, so frustrated with myself because, as much as I wanted to learn the content, I couldn’t keep up with the class and assignments. The problem wasn’t that I couldn’t do it; the solution was to stop doing it the way I thought I should do it just because that’s what the book says.
    ….. What does that mean? Jeff suggested trying something. He said, “Why don’t you watch the videos first, physically do the training as you watch, read through the quiz so you get an idea of what the chapter is about and then skim through the chapter, highlighting what you just watched in the video and what you read in the quiz.” Seriously!?
    ….. Guess what, it worked. For me. Learning what works for me was one of my biggest takeaways from Jeff’s coaching. Learning how my brain works and understanding to stop “shoulding” all over myself, as Jeff calls it, was a huge eye opener for me.
    ….. If you’ve ever struggled with trying to do things the way you think you should, or be a way that you think you should, contact Jeff to help you see the ways that come easy to you so you’re not wasting time being frustrated trying to do it the hard way! Jeff helped me focus on the tasks I needed to do by talking through my workload with me on our weekly calls so I could visualize and write down what I needed to do.
    ….. For me, I needed to act out assignments first to comprehend the verbiage and write everything in a step-by-step process on paper. I also learned my brain worked best in categories when trying to remember what I learned. Sounds simple and obvious, yes, but I didn’t know this was how I operate at my best. Sometimes it’s the simple things that are right in front of our faces that we can’t see. Jeff helped me see those simple things that now help make my life easier.
    ….. In my experience, being self-aware and learning about the ADD/ADHD brain can really help alleviate the anxiety and chaos that goes on in our head. Jeff helped me see through the chaos and gave me real, simple coaching to keep taking steps forward. It’s our job to take the steps forward to better ourselves and find our purpose and passion. Jeff just makes it a whole lot easier by being there along the way, helping you get the ball rolling! And I’ll take the easier way any day!

    Anna Dutko
    Business Owner and Certified Personal Trainer
    Tampa FL
  • I was not diagnosed with ADHD until age 30. I always knew that I struggled with time management and staying organized, but it wasn’t until I started grad school, that I realized I process things much differently from most people. A routine assignment took me twice the time to complete as my fellow students, even though it achieved the same grade. After working with several different therapists, reading multiple books, and attending several workshops, all related to ADHD, at age 51 I still felt hopelessly stuck. I still had trouble paying bills on time and managing my workload on the job. I decided to try working with an ADHD Coach. I explored several other coaches online and ultimately chose Jeff Copper. I was familiar with the Attention Talk Radio podcast, and I yearned for the type of Ah-ha that would help me move forward. From my first coaching session, I found Jeff’s coaching style very enlightening. Jeff helped me to realize that my default way managing my ADHD was not working for me. Regardless of the specific issue, I viewed myself as flawed, and the solution as some variation of “try harder”. Jeff helped me understand that my issues were executive function issues, and the solution started with looking at each from a different perspective. Instead of blaming myself, I ask “what’s hard about this?” Right away, that puts me on the path toward true problem solving. I also discovered that I had some useful structures already in place that I was never conscious of. Jeff’s coaching is about paying attention to what I pay attention to. I didn’t understand that at first, but now it makes perfect sense. It has helped me see myself and my life in a new light. I am building structures that are unique to me that really work. I’m even better able to see what I bring to my relationships, and that has given me more confidence. The added confidence is a great motivator! If you struggle, as I did, spend 15 minutes talking to Jeff. His insight and way of looking at the world might surprise you. It has certainly changed my world.
    Clinical research
    Cincinnati, OH
  • Before coaching, I struggled with anxiety, depression, and difficulty getting things done. I’d been to the mental health professionals and therapists. It was helpful but still I sensed I could do more. I finally decided to turn to coaching. Through the process, I began to understand how to regulate my emotions using structures that had worked for me in the past, that I had not realized. As I begin to mindfully manage/regulate my emotions, it was easier for me to find the characteristics of the environment that enabled me to focus. In the end, I’m managing my ADHD better than ever before, the emotional regulation that used to get in its way, and I’m feeling more confident and excited about the future. If what I’ve described sounds like you, I encourage you to learn more about ADHD coaching and specifically consider Jeff Copper. P.S. I’ve been able to fly through the first semester of college. I’m actually on the honor roll for next semester. That’s something I never really thought could happen.
    Kelly Akers
    Roanoke VA
  • Before coaching, I had a fair amount of anxiety that follows me through the week, trying to keep up with work that just didn’t seem to get done. In working with Jeff, I began to realize that completing things that require executive function at point of performance is key to me. As a matter of fact, it’s everything. Understanding that allowed me to make some very small adjustments that made a big difference. This was my aha moment. If you’re struggling and need an outside perspective to find solutions that work for you, I would highly recommend Jeff Copper.
    John Darby
    Ocala FL
  • I came to coaching on my own but with the strong urging of my wife. Once I got into it, I was surprised what I learned about myself, what works, what I always pay attention to. In total, I must have had a dozen ahas impacting my job, relationships with my kids and my wife. Jeff was right; once I understood who I am and how I work, the solutions that naturally work for me were revealed. Thanks, Jeff, for helping me understand how I work and for giving me the ability to articulate my experience to others in a way they understand and to remove the mystery of what works for me and why.
    Mark Hamilton
    Pension Sales Representative
    Tampa FL
  • Just three months ago it was all negative self-talk and panic, this after spending countless hours and dollars in and on therapy. Not the outcome I was looking for. For whatever reason (maybe an act of desperation), I was drawn to the concept of an attention coach and hired Jeff. OMG! For the first time in my life, someone “got” me! Understood me! Helped me understand me, understand what works for me. Together we wrote my user manual. Jeff, you are right! “Hard” is overrated. Things are so much easier if I just apply what works for me. Thanks to Jeff the negative self-talk and panic are gone. I have energy and am managing my attention in ways I could not have imagined just three short months ago!
    Jayne Jones
    Professional Photographer & Professor
    Jacksonville FL
  • I was attending a business conference in Hot Springs, Arkansas. One evening I was sitting in my hotel room on a mission to figure out ADD. That’s when I contacted my coach and said things have to change. My name is Slade. I am a husband, father, business owner, entrepreneur, believer in Jesus, avid outdoorsman and love being with and helping people. I had learned two years earlier that I had ADD and had an enormous relief after 40 years of being wide open in life and constantly feeling intense and frustrated. Throughout my life I have always been a competitor and wanted to win. I was constantly starting projects, finding new challenges, giving it all I had, and then just losing interest, feeling restless, stopping the new endeavor, starting the cycle all over again with something different. The doctor prescribed some medicine, and I was shocked after one week with the results. As I said earlier, I have always operated with high octane and this medicine took me over the top with starting something and finishing it. I started to be able to focus on projects like never before. But what started off as a good thing then turned into a bad thing. I was always at the office, engaged in community projects, helping people, and at the same time, I was drifting away and causing strife with my wife and children. Even close friends saw that the change in me was getting very dangerous and said I’d better slow it down or disaster was around the corner. I have always believed in personal coaches and actually had one at this exact season when life was getting dangerous. And that’s when I called him from Hot Springs and told him I needed an expert coach in ADD. He was great and helped me on a journey to find the best ADD coach. I remember checking out countless websites and interviewing several ADD coaching websites. Then I came upon Jeff’s site, I was extremely intrigued by what I was reading and was starting to feel like he “got” me and understood me. Then we talked and the only thing I remember from our first phone call was when he said, “Pills don’t equal skills.” As a business owner and competitor, I knew Jeff was onto something. Now after 14 months, I can honestly say that Jeff has been one of the top three people in my entire life. I have been blessed with countless friends, mentors, and great leaders, but I wouldn’t trade what I have learned with Jeff Copper for anything. My marriage, my relationship with my children, and my company would not be where it is today without him. I have learned who I am, how I think, what causes me friction, what to focus on, how to go from an idea to an executed plan, how to pause and listen, and the list goes on and on. He is a coach to me, but he is also a foxhole companion and partner to help me be the best I can be. The time that is non-negotiable with me has been our weekly meeting. It’s one of the best investments I have ever made in my life.
    Slade McLendon
    Sunbelt Fire
    Fairhope, Alabama (Roll Tide!)
  • I came to coaching because something always seemed to be wrong. I was late to almost every meeting, I couldn’t get started on tasks unless they were due the next day, I felt like I was always trying new organization systems that were unsuccessful, and I was beating myself up about it constantly. When I got started working with Jeff, I learned that ADD is a self-regulation issue, and that I had plenty of attention. However, the physical environments where I worked constantly impacted the regulation of my attention. I discovered that I already had organizational skills, and I was able to use the weekly coaching sessions and homework to restructure my environment and allow me to better control the focus of my attention. If I hadn’t come to coaching, I may not have finished my doctoral dissertation.
    Ryan Chastain-Gross
    Graduate Research Fellow
  • The experience of being a parent of a child with ADHD, can feel like a roller coaster of emotion. Even when things are going well, there’s a sense of foreboding, anticipating the next disappointment or failure. When I hired Jeff to coach my college-aged son, I was an emotional wreck. Even though I’d spent over 12 years educating myself about ADHD and executive function, I was at a loss as to how to truly help. Despite his intelligence and desire to succeed, he struggled with attention, meeting deadlines, memory, organization, motivation, and follow-through since early childhood. I worried that, despite being capable, he wasn’t actually able to meet the demands of college. Jeff’s method of including family members in the early coaching sessions is important. Through the Getting Started series, I realized I had been lost in the emotion of ADHD parenting, in the anxiety, fear, and frustration. Through our sessions, Jeff challenged me to look at my own patterns, learn more about the biology of the brain, and to see how self-regulation is at the root of many of the challenges of executive function and ADHD. Jeff’s in-depth knowledge and his direct, structured approach were refreshing and effective. After a few weeks of working with Jeff, my son admits that things are starting to “click;” he’s self-reflective, more confident, and has made his own choice to continue the coaching sessions. He’s learning why his brain works the way it does and how to manage his emotions and stress. He’s learning how to identify what makes him successful and how to replicate that in other situations. This means that when future challenges arise he’ll be more prepared and in control. For me, it means I am able to let go and feel less anxiety, since my son is learning the tools for his own success from working with Jeff.
    Claire Mackin
  • I am very impressed with Jeff’s coaching. He is an expert at helping you figure out how your brain works and invent processes that work for you. Since working with him, I have made many changes resulting in greater efficiency in life and in my business. He is highly structured, focused, and always starts and ends on time.
    Birgit Zacher Hanson
    Master Certified Coach
    Heads-Up Performance
  • “If Only You Understood Attention” Review:
    I discovered that making smarter decisions often involves certain skills that can be developed by anyone. Jeff’s videos helped to guide my self-awareness and focus, which ultimately unleashed my full potential. It has been an upward spiral ever since, everyone is noticing, and my confidence is healthier than it’s ever been.

    Senior Manager
    Top 5 Global Consulting Firm
  • Before coaching, I was stuck. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do and couldn’t figure out which direction I should go. Jeff took the pressure off, helped me see things in a different context, and enabled me to move forward. He also helped me understand what I always pay attention to, which gave me confidence as I realized patterns to my success. Since coaching, I’ve been more scheduled, self-confident, relaxed, and happier than I thought I would be. Most importantly, I feel like I’m on track with a plan, executing what I need to do for the future. If you identify with my situation, I would recommend contacting Jeff.
    Trisha Das
    Graduate Student
    Tampa FL
  • Don’t give up! I always told myself to keep on trying, to keep on struggling, to fight through each day. I always thought that one day if I could just “finish this task” or “get through that book,” everything would start making sense. Nothing seemed to be as easy for me as it was for everyone else. Nothing seemed to work out for me. I thought that if I could be hard enough on myself and push myself I would finally learn and succeed in life. I started to recognize that I was beating myself up and adapting some coping mechanisms that were not good. I felt afraid for my future. I can’t tell you how I stumbled upon Jeff Copper on the internet, but I am so grateful that I did. Truly I thought I may be taking another shot in the dark and flushing my money down the toilet like I have done with others before, but I had to give something a try. I have tried many other types of help and it wasn’t working. Wow, I can’t explain what I have found! With Jeff’s help, I realized that what I experience every day is not what everyone else experiences. The noises from everyday items, like dishes clattering in a restaurant, a drier running, the temperature and the feel of water from something as simple as the shower, to me they are far more intense than they are to most people. I hadn’t even realized that this hypersensitivity was making my day almost unbearable! In working with Jeff I’ve begun to learn how “I” work and have started to do things the way that works for me. I’ve started socializing again and am managing the things that I need and want to do every week. I feel like I am getting answers and understanding myself finally! I have struggled so hard so long! What is surprising me is how easy things are coming by doing it my way. I am grateful that I didn’t give up and found Jeff Copper. If anyone out there is struggling, I would hope that they don’t give up either. I hope that they realize that if life seems impossible no matter how hard they try it may be time to try something else. Maybe there is a real reason that what they are doing isn’t working, maybe it is because you’re focused on the wrong solutions. My goal in writing this testimonial is to motivate others to have the courage to reach out for some help… even if it’s a shot in the dark. I did.
    Laura Russell
    Firefighter, Paramedic, Nuclear Med Tech, Waitress, HVAC Controls for Commercial Construction, Leasing Agent, Ice Rink Supervisor, Model, Uncertified Dental Tech… Please don’t make me list more.
    Tampa Bay FL
  • Before coaching, I struggled with fatigue, completing work on time, and most important, anger management. In working with Jeff, he took the pressure off. He accepted who I was and got me. He educated me on ADD and, together, we learned how I worked, how I naturally do things, and how to manage my ADD. As we worked together, I understood what I always pay attention to and used my natural patterns of attention as a means to get past what I struggle to focus on. Through awareness, I began to manage my anger or, should I say, emotions like never before. Today I’m happy to report I’ve gain control of my attention and emotions and am able to manage them daily for a more balanced and spiritual life. Thank you, Jeff, for taking the time to “get me,” helping me understand how I work and especially helping me to manage my ADD and my life. I’d recommend Jeff to anyone who can identify with the challenges I had faced.
    Dave Bear
    Sarasota FL
  • It is incredibly frustrating to know you are capable, yet time and again, you miss opportunities or fail to execute. For me, when it all came to a head, I finally looked towards ADHD coaching. If I knew then what I know now, I would have invested the time in coaching long ago. What I’ve learned is that I’m more than capable. I just have to do tasks my way. Through coaching, I’ve come to understand how I work in a unique and positive way. Sometimes I catch myself and say I’ve changed. But Jeff is right…I haven’t changed; my behavior has changed. Now I attend to how I do things, not just how I think they are supposed to be. Since working with Jeff, I’m seeing things differently and accomplishing tasks I never knew I could do. If you can identify with any of this, I recommend you take the time and give Jeff a call.
    ADHD Business Executive
  • I was stuck. I’d been diagnosed with ADHD but just knew I was capable of more. I knew that I could perform at a higher level and turned to coaching. Through the coaching process, I realized the negative impact my emotions had on my everyday life and how they would paralyze me and inhibit my progress. Before coaching, I thought I understood what it meant to pause. Now I “get” what it means to pause. Getting “it” has enabled me to notice my emotions when they manifest and pause. By pausing, I’m able to down-regulate my emotions and manage around them. Learning to pause has transformed my life. Thanks to Jeff and his patience, I’m grateful for learning how to pause, how to pause and notice my emotions, notice my ADHD, and to manage them in a positive way that works for me.
    Debbie Sanoy
    Educator, Lake Park FL
  • What Jeff Copper did for me is hard to explain, but the results are easy to state, except that the number of changes resulting from his coaching goes beyond what I can likely recall all at one time. Looking back, I can now see that individual results interacted with one another to form an integrated approach to life that was very different from what I’d practiced before. Before, I thought I understood myself pretty well, though I didn’t much like the person I thought I was. My world, as I saw it, was governed by my failings and doubts about what I could accomplish. It mattered not at all that I had a national reputation for quality work in my field, was known as a more than competent performer in several fields, and year after year appeared in several editions of Marquis Who’s Who. I “knew” that I was deeply flawed.
    Jeff emphasizes the importance of observing what one observes. More elusive, but vital to his work, is that what some of us observe may be so affected by our preconceptions as to blind us to the truth. In order to think sanely, I had to open my eyes and ears and start observing what really was happening in my world. Jeff somehow made it easy for me to begin doing that. I suspect that, because I am a researcher with a deep interest in observing and analyzing human behavior, it may have been easier for me than perhaps for some others, when he pointed out things I had not observed previously, to recognize and acknowledge them.
    My work in research also involves theory development. In order to develop theory, one must be able to “connect the dots.” In my case, that meant seeing connections among my new observations. As these new observations and their interconnections began to replace the old, untested ones, I realized that I had been operating on the basis of beliefs that had closed off input, or evidence, from the “real world” around me. In short, I had previously operated on the basis of a closed system. With Jeff’s help, I came to see the sunlight that I’d failed to admit into my world previously.
    My new observations, based on factual observations, rather than preconceptions, created a whole new way of approaching life. Perhaps the most important resultant change was that I developed confidence in myself. And why not? My confidence was based upon observations grounded in facts. I learned that I truly was competent and in a whole variety of ways, some of which surprised me. I gradually came to know myself and discovered that I was not the deeply flawed person I had previously thought. Instead, I realized that I had accomplished and could continue to accomplish outstanding work and not only in the field in which I was considered an expert. I gradually realized that I could do a whole range of things and do them well.
    Then the big question became what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. This question has not yet been answered, but I feel no rush. Throughout my training with Jeff, I never thought I was becoming perfect. I remained very much aware of my flaws. What interested me most is that the flaws I observed were often completely different from those I’d previously. How did I now identify flaws? Simple. My new emphasis on observation provided self-correcting feedback.
    All this amounts to saying that, before, my thinking had constituted a closed system. With Jeff’s help, I moved to an open-system way of thinking about and acting in the world. Some people are none too pleased with the results!
    For example, I’ve learned to express anger when I consider it justified and to do so in decisive language that leaves no room for doubt. It took a bit longer to learn to express that anger with consideration and kindness for those at whom I was angry. Perhaps, after all, I was wrong in some way because I had not known all the facts. And I really didn’t want to hurt anyone. I was simply determined not to allow my anger to simmer inside me any longer because the anger of years had done much to create my negative view of myself. How could I be worthwhile if I couldn’t express my deepest feelings? And what if those feelings were negative? I learned that I had to let out the anger but do it kindly. And if others could not deal with that, I was learning a lesson about who really were my friends. Those who cared about me helped me learn how to express anger in the very best ways.
    What had kept me from expressing anger before? I lacked self-confidence. What if I were wrong? Jeff convinced me to trust my sense of what was right for me. How did he do it? As I hope I’ve made clear, I paid attention to what I was noticing. Experience provided self-correcting feedback.
    From trust in myself grew the conviction that my appraisal of others’ interactions with me was also usually to be trusted. Eventually, I realized that my evaluations of others were usually right — not always, but usually. Observing the distinction between correct evaluations and the circumstances associated with them and evaluations that were questionable became extremely important. Accepting both my good judgment in most cases and also my fallibility led me to create systems to warn me when I might be wrong. I started watching much more closely when I was right and when I wasn’t. And from that watching, I learned still more important lessons about myself.
    As previously stated — but I restate it because I think this is the heart of what I learned — I had, with Jeff’s help, developed an open system of learning based upon observation and self-evaluation, a system that could be used for an entire range of purposes that went far beyond assessment of appraising my own and others’ interactions with me. I had developed a system that could be used to separate likely truth from likely falsehood in a wide variety of circumstances. This, I think, is why Jeff’s insistence on observing what we observe is so important: it becomes the very foundation for an entire way of looking at the world.
    Here’s another example of Jeff in action. For years, I’d been told I was a genius. (Of course, there were also those whose opinions of me were lower.) I certainly didn’t feel like an exalted species — if anything, the contrary. Eventually, bored with Jeff’s homework assignment to describe what it was like to be a genius, I came to realize that I didn’t care and that the entire issue was boring. I was myself, whoever that was.
    As a result, I began dropping habits based on “shoulds” that I’d accepted all my life — because how could I possibly have risen to the top of my profession if I hadn’t practiced these habits? For example, I realized that I didn’t have to read the newspaper daily in order to keep up to date in my field or even in the world in general. Rather, I realized that most of what went on from day to day was nothing more than an illustration of the saying, “Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.” I’ve been talking about the big things. The little ones probably made the big ones easier to accept. I realized that I was virtually incapable of holding a phone conversation without walking around. I came to recognize immediately when a task bored me and that, regardless of the dollar cost (at least in every case so far), it was less costly to hire someone else pronto to do the task than to keep trying and failing. Failing was unhealthy for me; I needed to develop a series of successes even if a steep price had to be paid. Meanwhile, I also came to understand the kinds of tasks that bore me. Once I was aware of them, I could begin corrective action immediately.
    I also recognized that I succeed more easily when I have with me someone I like. Jeff at first thought I simply needed to have another person present. That proved to be untrue. It had to be someone whose presence is enjoyable to me.
    And I realized that I absolutely must have significant periods of time alone if I’m not to become depressed. I’ve learned to forgive myself for my failures and to keep going although some of the challenges I face go far beyond what most others ever confront. I’ve learned that exercise makes me feel good. I’ve learned how to lose weight (over 25 lbs. so far). Perhaps the most important thing I’ve learned is a game I made up for myself, a very serious game: how to pretend I don’t have ADD-like symptoms and to keep up the pretense, while conscious of doing so, long enough to accomplish some very difficult tasks. I know I’ll fail in some of them. On the whole, however, I think I’m doing pretty well.
    Could I have done all this without Jeff’s coaching? Frankly, I doubt it. He made his share of mistakes with me, as I did with him, but I am so improved as a result of his coaching that I think I’ll owe him forever. And, by the way, I so much appreciate the extra time he spent with me without charging me. I felt as if he were hugging me.
    I suppose it’s appropriate to list the things about Jeff that I didn’t enjoy. I find him a bit too certain that he’s right when I see no reason to arrive at the same conclusion. He talks way too fast and he’s bossy. The more he acted bossy with me, the more likely I was to refuse to do what he asked. I don’t think he ever really understood that. Maybe my own response was childish. Who knows? Frankly, I think the negatives are so much outweighed by the positives that the negatives are just not worth much attention… at least not by anyone except Jeff!
    I would recommend Jeff in a heartbeat (and have) to anyone who wants or needs to change behavior habits. One need not have the symptoms of ADD, I think, to benefit. One must, however, be willing to look honestly at one’s behavior, especially behavior one never before recognized. Doing this is very hard work. Precisely because the behavior was never previously recognized, one needs a guide, a coach, whatever you call it. I doubt that this kind of work can be done alone. And I doubt that anyone can do a better job of this than Jeff Copper.
    Academic and Corporate Researcher
    (name withheld at the request of corporate stakeholders)
    Sarasota FL
  • As usual, I’m over-thinking this and resisting the urge to wait until later to write so that my words can be “perfect” and then probably never do it. So I’m not going to wait, because it’s important for you to know now how much your coaching has helped and still is helping. I feel like I had a pivotal breakthrough today, and I just want to say thank you and I’m grateful I have you as my coach!! You are awesome!! Feel free to publish this anywhere you deem appropriate, because everyone who’s struggling with the chaos of ADD should know about you!! Thank you soooo much!
    Michele Bredal
  • I was unhappy at work. I came home drained every day. I was also unhappy with my relationship with a close family member. I decided to give coaching with Jeff Copper at DIG Coaching Practice a try. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Before coaching, I saw myself as I believed I was. Now I see myself more as I really am and continue to pay attention to what comes easily to me. As a result, I am now working independently as a companion/caregiver, a change that was beyond my wildest dreams before coaching. My difficult relationship continues to come with challenges, but by paying attention to how each of us really is, I have been able to change my interaction, and our relationship has happily improved. I highly recommend Jeff Copper to guide you through any situation. In addition to Jeff’s training, he has a gift of paying attention to what really is, and of being able to see the big picture. Coaching with Jeff has changed my life. You will be amazed at what it can do for you.
    Susan Gerken
    Brandon FL
  • In high school and college, I got good grades and was very successful. In medical school, I found myself struggling. That is when I turned to coaching for help getting back on track. In a few short months, Jeff and I identified how I naturally learned, realizing my environment in medical school was not conducive for my style. We changed my environment and I got back on track. The coaching process enabled me to pay attention to what works for me in such a way that allowed me to better manage myself now and in the future. I recommend Jeff to all those who have been successful but find themselves still struggling, are stuck, or just seem to have lost their way.
    Eric Einstein
    Medical Student
    Toledo OH
  • After several years of unsuccessful psychotherapy in which I was trying to figure out what was “wrong” with me and how I could be “fixed,” I was finally diagnosed with ADD. When I understood I had a physiological condition instead of a character defect, I was ready for coaching. It’s great to talk to someone who doesn’t try to “fix” me – and even says I’m not broken! By creating an accepting atmosphere, you’ve allowed me to become objective about who I am and how I function. You help me identify what works in my life and why it works. My self-esteem has increased as I’ve learned I don’t have to swim upstream, but can turn my innate talents, tendencies, interests, and preferences to my advantage. Rather than try to do things the way other people do them, I can embrace my uniqueness and find my own solutions. The coaching process has been incredibly liberating.
    Sara Davies
    Graphic Design, Seattle WA
  • At the age of 53, I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADHD). At first, I thought it was a good thing….to finally know how my way of thinking was different from others I encountered in life. But instead of clarification, I felt frustration and confusion. It was unclear to me how to move forward in my life. That’s when I discovered the “So Who Programmed U?” model created by Jeff Copper of DIG Coaching. This program gave me direction, helping me to understand how I’m wired differently when compared to “methodical thinkers.” Understanding who I really am, as well as being understood by others, was what would move me forward. The “So Who Programmed U?” model gave me direction, a way of paying attention to who I am and how I work. Understanding myself is what moves me forward, giving me success with the challenges in my life. I highly recommend the “So, Who Programmed U?” program. Coach Jeff was entertaining and caring, as well as a dynamic ADHD coach. He knew, without a doubt, how I was thinking and how that thinking was holding me back. As Jeff so succinctly puts it, I was paying attention to the wrong things! His model taught me how to pay attention to what I was paying attention to.
    Valerie Wainwright
    ADHD-er Extraordinaire
  • I have always been an upbeat and positive person. Wanting to do the best both personally and professionally, I would become frustrated in organizing my thoughts and activities. I felt pressure to conform my words and actions to be like everyone else, knowing it didn’t work for me. I knew I had good ideas, but my actions were paralyzed by fear that no one else would understand them. It was easy to blame my ADD, just wanting it to be “fixed,” but deep down I knew there was more to it. This is where I have found the true value in coaching. Working with Jeff Copper has helped me realize the best of me through a positive and supportive coaching environment. I have gained confidence in my abilities knowing how I best “operate.” I am less stressed, realizing my ideas not only have merit, but I am more confident in sharing them with others. The coaching relationship Jeff fosters has taken away the fear of being judged. I know I can relax, say what I am thinking, regardless how random, and our discussion will be open and non-judgmental. It has been Jeff’s encouragement and cheering on as I turned each corner that has made the difference. Jeff is firm in his coaching but with a style that has allowed me to really believe in my abilities and myself. Coaching has given me the momentum I needed to expand my business, further my education, and build the relationships with family and friends I’ve always wanted. Thanks, Jeff!
    Ann O’Reilly
    Patient Advocate/Navigator
    Jacksonville FL
  • I came to DIG Coaching in order to learn how some ADD-related issues affected my professional activities and my success in the corporate workplace. Through coaching, I learned how to identify my personal behaviors, patterns, or traits that were attributable to ADD. Coaching was a real learning experience for me. Coaching brought about some introspection for me, but the real value was when you synthesized and mirrored back my responses. I feel that I now have a better understanding of myself as related to the typical corporate workplace, and even a better understanding of how to undertake tasks around the house. I feel as if I am armed with the knowledge, and now I need to practice or execute the methods/techniques that I know will work… all thanks to your coaching.
    Jonathan Fine
  • Prior to coaching, my hyper-focused mind would frequently go in circles when trying to solve difficult technical problems. Frustrated and worn-out, I would move on to something else. Occasionally, however, I would grab another brain and start bouncing things off it. This almost always allowed me to think through the problem in a productive, non-circular manner. While this was inevitably effective, I would blame myself for having to bother someone else and not being able to think through the problem sequentially and systematically without needing others. After working with Jeff, I realized that being able to discuss the problem with others is a skill and not a liability. I learned that I clearly work best when others are around. Since then, I never hesitated to find someone to bounce things off of and steered my work environment towards working in a group setting, rather alone. I now go about getting things done by creating an environment that complements my style and doesn’t force me to work in an unnatural manner. Now, I know I can excel in an environment where others reflect back my ideas and offer thoughts that propel me forward.
    Alex Turetsky
    Chief Technology Officer Chicago IL
  • I turned to Jeff at a time in my professional calling (others call it a career) when I found myself procrastinating on the administrative and sometimes confrontational aspects of my ministry. In working with Jeff, I found our coaching calls to be the highlight of my week, loaded with helpful, practical, and countless ‘ah ha’ moments. Through coaching, Jeff helped me become more comfortable in my own skin and MUCH more in touch with my own personal STYLE! As a result my confidence level has soared. I no longer have this sense of crisis, knocking myself out doing things based on how others believe I should do them; rather, I am now better able to communicate my style to others. To my surprise, others are okay with it. In fact, some have responded on my behalf, stating, ‘Pastor Ed doesn’t do it that way!’ Ultimately, through coaching, Jeff helped me pay attention to what I needed to pay attention to. After all, as he puts it, if you’re paying attention to the wrong thing, you’re going to get the wrong solution.
    Dr. Ed Kuffel
    Pastor, First Baptist Church
    Dade City FL
  • The coaching you provided, and the things I learned about the way my mind functions and about myself, as a result of our working together, continually and conspicuously appears in day-to-day occurrences, and at all levels … It is during these moments, that I find myself acting/thinking/functioning differently than I would have before, and dually aware that I redirected, or did something differently, to find the answer in a way that I wouldn’t have done previously. Sometimes it feels like finding a $20 bill in your jacket pocket … And sometimes on bigger things, I’ll sit back and take a moment to be grateful and congratulate myself for having done something in a new and better way. Sometimes I find myself solving or redirecting an issue instantly, or in days or weeks, something that I know would have otherwise taken me weeks or months. By being aware of and paying attention to what I did not before, I experience better control, and more effectiveness in my own day-to-day existence. And when I find that I am ‘stopped,’ or blocked, I now have other directions I can turn, or specific things that I can do, enabling me to move forward again. As a newly discovered ADD’er, I think one of the most valuable things/tools/benefits that I’ve gotten out of your coaching is that by learning to pay attention, and by learning about the right things to pay attention to, that I can more easily and more often redirect my focus and my hyperfocus. I highly recommend you as a coach. Your training and input, your expertise and experience, and working with you have been an invaluable asset to me and my life.
    Bruce Sherwood
    Tampa Bay FL
  • I recently asked Jeff to provide keynote remarks at a seminar I held. The seminar was on the subject of innovation and entrepreneurship in uncertain times. The audience included senior executives from all over Florida, and Jeff’s remarks were spot on. He was funny, creative, and inspiring all at once. Thanks … I look forward to utilizing Jeff again in the near future.
    David Parker
  • Figuratively speaking, a mirror was placed in front of me, allowing me the ability to analyze my own actions and thoughts. I was inspired to dig deeper and dream higher without limitations.
    Kim Roy
    Racquetball Coach
    Florida Junior Team
  • As a new executive director, I turned to Jeff Copper for some business advice. What I got was an executive coach who empowered and motivated me. Jeff challenged me. He asked me tough questions I ordinarily would not have considered that forced me to think outside of my comfort zone. Jeff accelerated my learning curve not by giving me the answers but by enabling me to discover them on my own. To date, my ventures success far exceeds my expectations.
    Clara Reynolds LCSW
    Executive Director
    Success 4 Kids and Families, Inc.
  • I’ve always been good at successfully accomplishing goals for others (in my job, as a volunteer, etc.); however, I’ve always struggled to achieve personal goals and to make changes that become long-term habits. Coaching with Jeff has changed all that. Working with him has helped me to define realistic goals and develop tactical methods for accomplishing them. For the first time in my life, I really believe I can reach my goals and sustain the changes I’m making. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone who wants an exceptional coaching experience.
    Wendy Sherman
    Communications Consultant and Artist
  • As an entrepreneur, I am in the process of re-defining my business and taking it in a new direction. This re-evaluation has been no easy task as I have struggled with self-doubt, confusion, and lack of motivation, which has paralyzed me and caused me to “spin my wheels.” Within a few weeks of working with Jeff, he has helped (and continues to help) me get to the root of what I’m good at, what excites me, and what gets in my way. As we continue to chip away at the layers, I’m discovering a new-found clarity, sense of purpose, and confidence about my talents and ability. I am now boldly moving in a new direction with my business that excites and inspires me. Jeff is all about helping me to understand how I’m programmed; now, I can clearly see what has gotten in my way in the past and devise strategies for doing things differently. I feel like I have re-defined my business model in a way that serves me on many different levels and I’m excited about my professional future! Jeff has the magic touch, and I highly recommend him to those who want to begin understanding themselves in way that empowers and inspires them to walk in the world in a new way.
    Gayle Wojnar
  • My husband has ADHD and so do both of my teenage boys. The impact of dealing with an entire family with ADHD (when you don’t have it), plus working part time, going to school part time, starting a new dog training business, and volunteering in the community was very stressful and overwhelming! Working with Jeff has opened my eyes to looking at things in ways I had never thought of before. Through the coaching process, I have gained a better understanding of who I am and what my strengths are, and I have increased my knowledge of ADHD, which has helped me deal with my husband and sons in a way that has been empowering for all of us. Now, I am able to handle everyday stressful situations in a healthier way. I feel less stressed, I’m much happier, and my relationships are far more harmonious.
    Rosanne Drechsel
    Wife, Mother, Secretary, Dog Trainer
    Livingston NJ
  • As a single mother of a young child with ADHD, working with Jeff Copper has been instrumental in helping me determine the best steps to take to help my son succeed. Together, Jeff and I have worked on strategies to help my son focus better in school and ways to help me establish structures in our home environment that will support his learning and reinforce his strengths. In addition, Jeff has taught me how to weed through all of the ADHD information available “out there,” so that I can find what I need to know to help my son. Working with Jeff has been a great experience; he is extremely knowledgeable and has asked some terrific questions to help me uncover what’s best for both my son and me. Thanks, Jeff!
    (Name withheld from public display)
    Single Mother, Sarasota FL


  • I hired Jeff Copper to be my mentor coach as a means to develop my coaching skills and understanding of ADHD. Working with Jeff put me in simulated experiences to understand executive function in a way that blew my mind. It was powerful. I encouraged him to actually roll this out to the public and Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™ was born. I participated in the pilot program along with many of my clients’ parents. It was absolutely amazing. It brings clarity and understanding to ADHD in a way that has transformed my life, changed my coaching approach, and impacted my clients. If you have ADHD or are impacted by it, this is a program I encourage you to sign up for because it will bring clarity to so many things that were not explained before. In this class, and in my broader time working with Jeff I have felt, seen, and heard in ways that I have never experienced prior in my life. My wife jokes that there is a before-Jeff Griffin and an after-Jeff Griffin. I think this perfectly sums up the impact of Cognitive Ergonomics and coaching with Jeff Copper.
    Griffin Rouse
    ADHD Coach
  • As an ADHD coach in my formative years, I found that I was stuck, stalled, and a bit bored. Reflecting on a presentation Jeff did at a conference that spoke to me, I reached out to Jeff for both coaching and mentor coaching. I’m not sure what I expected, but the experience exceeded my expectations. Jeff helped me begin to understand ADHD at a level far deeper than I imagined. It helped me understand myself, realize I was not as aware of myself as I thought I was, and enabled me to ask more powerful questions and grow as a coach. Today, I’m inspired and motivated. In fact, I’ve actually got a unique niche I’m going after that really fits my style and my voice. If you’re an ADHD coach looking for a mentor that can get you on track, I encourage you to spend 15 minutes on a free consult with Jeff. If you’re like me, you’ll find it will help spark your inspiration and intellect to coach at a different level.
    Mike Snyder
    ADHD Coach
    Austin TX
  • I completed my ADHD coach training with a good knowledge of executive function but really wanted to take my coaching to another level. I decided to find a mentor coach and began working with Jeff. It quickly became clear that I had a lot more to learn and after just a few mentoring sessions I began to change my coaching thanks to a new clarity and understanding of what’s going on at a deeper level. I could see this reflected in the experience of my coaching clients as they also gained a deeper understanding and awareness, and this has given me so much confidence. If you’re an ADHD coach, or any coach working with people with executive function challenges, and you want to improve your coaching, I can recommend Jeff as a mentor.
    Penny Kennedy
    ADHD Coach
    United Kingdom
  • To The Universe: I want to thank you for the path my life has taken in the past year. One year ago I had started a journey on my own. I was going to focus on the positive, weed out the unhealthy, rediscover who I wanted to be, and move full steam ahead in my personal life and professional career. I was puddle jumping for the first few months. Then in March of 2012 a series of events brought Jeff Copper into my life. In reality, I think I pushed myself into his! By April I had begun my training as an ADHD coach at the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA). Soon after this I realized that I needed a mentor coach. Jeff, I quickly realized, would be my ideal mentor coach. I do need to set the background so you know what this really means. I am a licensed clinical psychologist. Being the self-actualized person I am (ha-ha), I have been to more than a few therapists throughout my life. Plus, don’t forget, I went to graduate school, completed an internship, and had a lot of post-doctoral training. I have had some great therapists and mentors in the past. However, I have never had either a therapist or a mentor who helped me to grow and improve both personally and professionally as much as Jeff has. Throughout my course work at ADDCA Jeff worked as my mentor. Every week asking permission to “push” me. I coached him, he coached me, we talked about coaching. Every session was a gold mine. Jeff was like my ideal trainer at the gym — the guy who, when I say “ouch,” tells me to do 5 more reps. Because I’m learning. Jeff kept the perfect balance of being tough, honest, and direct by being kind, complimentary, and encouraging. This month I completed my advanced course work and hope to get certified. I have learned a lot about coaching strategies and models through my coursework, but I have learned about the heart of being a coach from Jeff Copper. I could not have asked for a better mentor, coach, and friend. Thank you.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist and ADHD Coach
  • I loved the opportunity to have the discussions about different coaching techniques – such as doing horizontal vs. vertical. Jeff has a wonderful way of letting you feel comfortable to experiment without concern for judgment. It makes for a very safe, productive learning environment. Thanks for a fun class.
    Cindy Goldrich
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • Jeff’s classes firmly implanted in my brain what it means and takes to be TRULY curious as a coach and the value it adds to a coaching partnership. He turned the learning approach on its head to help us “get it”. So enjoyed the-outside-of-the-box approach to digging deep to discover the pearls in the shell!
    Jennifer Coyne-O’Brien
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • That was a great class!!!!! It felt like one huge “booya” moment. Thank you.
    Myrna Candreia
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • I joined Jeff’s Mentor Group with no clue what to expect. I can safely say, the ideas put forth in this group define my entire coaching perspective. I have often been acknowledged as curious and a “deeper level” questioner, and I know these qualities are inherent in me, but this group program helped me tap into those abilities at a very pivotal moment in my education. I heavily credit Jeff Copper’s inaugural Mentor Group Program as having helped me become the coach I am today. Seriously, my peers are sick of me talking about it. Super excited about Advanced starting next month.
    Lindsey Bozeman Biggs
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • After going through this Mentor Coach program I feel more confident and at ease about my coaching skills! If you want to take your coaching to the next level, Jeff Copper is an extraordinary mentor! I could not have asked for a better experience.
    Jackie Basham
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • It was a fast-paced and highly interactive mentor group. I learn well from direct experience so this was a format that worked well for me. Jeff had organized the sessions well and the main idea/takeaway for each lesson was very clear right from the start. The rest of the sessions were spent modeling, practicing, and experiencing the message. Be prepared to be challenged and to be pushed out of your comfort zone!
    Vidya Guhan
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • It’s been such a privilege to have had the opportunity to learn so closely from Jeff. He taught me that it’s not only okay to make mistakes but that there is no other way to maximize your learning. I learned that the coaching conversation is our playground and that the best way to connect with our clients is to laugh in the face of pressure and just go out and play!
    Aron Lazarus
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • I began my mentoring group journey feeling nervous and apprehensive, but willing to grow and learn. Within the first half hour Jeff threw us into the water, but with a life jacket and a rubber duck inner tube! We learned that the pressure of learning to swim first was keeping us out of the water and guess what? We all came through our group with more confidence and ability.
    Cary Colleran
    Group Coaching Mentee
  • I am very grateful to have had Jeff Copper as my ADHD mentor coach, an undisputed “thought leader” in the ADHD community. Aside from being extremely knowledgeable, highly competent, and a genuinely gifted coach, Jeff has a special talent for facilitating an individual’s natural ability to see objects through differing perspectives in a fluid non-judgmental state of mind (i.e., different “lenses”). His talent as an “attention coach” is only matched by his sincere enthusiasm for helping others. Hiring him as my mentor is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my new professional career. Thank you, Jeff!!!
    James Palow
    ADHD Mentee
    Orlando, FL
  • Jeff is an excellent ADHD coach. I am now (finally!) succeeding with the direction of my life. Finding the right medication made a huge difference to the functioning of my brain. Finding the right coach made just as big a difference in my behavior, which is actually where I live my life. Without Jeff’s coaching, my newly functioning brain and I could have spent years trying to overcome a lifetime of cobbled together coping mechanisms and bad habits. I will be forever grateful to him for his thoughtful and client-centered approach.
    Wayne Hynd
    Semi-Retiree and Lifelong Intellectual Thinker
    North Kingstown, RI
  • I’d been struggling with undiagnosed ADHD my entire life but was able to still have a successful career. Being diagnosed, however, helped explain the cause of my distress and procrastination. I read a lot of books, but Jeff’s group coaching was a much better experience for me by far. The books either highlighted difficulties I was having and could relate to but didn’t do much on dealing with the issue, or they offered a packaged solution that didn’t work for me. Jeff’s approach is based on a simple premise – there is no one “right way”; the right way for you is focusing on your ways of processing information, what things are working for you now, and how you build on those rather than feel bad that you’re not doing it the way others do. That requires the personal coaching that Jeff’s sessions provide, because the methods and tools that I took away from the course are different from the ones my classmates needed. I can accomplish tasks much easier now because I have learned what approach works for me to get started and to stay on task to completion. If you are struggling with ADHD, I would highly recommend this course.
    Joe Maglione
    Group Coaching Participant


  • “If Only You Understood Attention” Review:
    The obstacle to your intentions is unmanaged attention. “If Only You Understood Attention!” uses visual prompts and simple language to communicate what I’ve coached and taught others for almost 20 years… to PAUSE… and consciously notice what you are attending to so you can successfully manage it in harmony with the purpose of your passions. In just 32 minutes, this workshop provides you with memorable lessons and tools, when consistently practiced, can change your life.

    David Giwerc, Master Certified ADHD Coach, MCAC, MC
    Founder/President of the ADD Coach Academy, ADDCA
  • Lynn University Post-Presentation Letter
    Ashleigh K. Fowles
    Assistant Director of Major Gifts
    Lynn University
  • “If Only You Understood Attention” Review:
    Jeff Copper pays attention to attention like no one else, and fortunately for the rest of us, he shares his insights in a totally understandable way.

    Ari Tuckman, Psy.D., MBA
  • “If Only You Understood Attention” Review:
    Jeff brings both street wisdom and academic insight to his unique process of observing and embracing attention challenges—then provides solutions that work on multiple levels in the real world, from relationships to project management.

    Dr. Charles Parker
    New ADHD Medication Rules
  • ADHD Coaches Organization Post-Presentation Letter
    Katherine Jahnke & Robin Nordmeyer
    Conference Co-Chairs
    ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO)
  • Jeff, thank you for speaking at the ACO conference last weekend. I’ve had the honor of reviewing your evaluations, and people were very inspired by your presentation. Twenty-five evaluations were submitted. “Very interesting and engaging” sums up what people were saying. “Fantastic!” “This man is going to revolutionize perspectives.” “Inspiring!” “Fun!” You might want to know that a handful (only 6 of the 25) of the evaluations gave middling marks for organization and pace of presentation. No one wrote specific comments, however. Obviously, you are a well-loved presenter and we look forward to having you back again at a future ACO conference. You truly helped us raise the bar for all of us. We are most grateful. With appreciation and respect.
    Viveca Monahan PCC
    2010 ADHD Coaches Organization Conference Chair
  • Testimonial Letter from ADHD Parent Support Network of Tampa Bay
    Norrine L. Russel, Ph.D.
    Founder and Facilitator
    ADHD Parent Support Group of Tampa Bay