The Impact of Perfume and Petroleum on ADHD

What we know about ADHD is that it is an executive functioning issue, which is a challenge of self-regulation. Add puberty and hormonal changes to the mix and the dynamic gets very complex. The ability to concentrate, focus, and self-regulate gets more difficult. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we talk with Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( about the real difficulties, intricacies, and challenges, as well as the art of parenting a child with ADHD through puberty. If you are about ready to pull out your hair, this is a show you won’t want to miss.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.


Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

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