Insights on ADHD and Executive Functioning (A Thinking Impairment)

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – May 1, 2023

Self-awareness is an executive function, and success in life is highly correlated with self- awareness. Executive functioning (EF) is a set of mental faculties that enable us to identify, organize, and sequence relevant information over time towards a goal. In short, executive functioning is what we use to engineer a plan to achieve a goal. Continue reading “Insights on ADHD and Executive Functioning (A Thinking Impairment)”

ADHD: Brain Dump vs. Task List

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – December 21, 2020

DIG Coaching Practice - Aha BobAll too often, those with ADHD struggle with working memory challenges. If you are one of those individuals, you may have multiple thoughts or tasks in mind but have trouble organizing and sequencing them. ADHD coach Jeff Copper suggests doing a brain dump as the most effective strategy to help. Continue reading “ADHD: Brain Dump vs. Task List”

ADHD and Reflexive Feelings

Reflexive Knee JerkOften, those with ADHD feel chaotic and disorganized. In a sense a feeling is a knee-jerk or reflexive emotional response in that emotions or judgments are made without awareness, analysis, or acknowledgement of what “is.”  Just because you feel something doesn’t make it a reality. This reminds me of a story. You may be familiar with it. Continue reading “ADHD and Reflexive Feelings”

What Happens in the ADHD Brain?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – March 26, 2020

Brain ChaosWhat happens in the ADHD brain? It’s a mystery of the universe, right? Maybe, but once in a while, I coach someone and get a glimpse of the unique logic that is ADHD or at least what works for one person with ADHD. I’m grateful to EV for agreeing to let me share her unique logic. It matters little if it makes sense to you. What matters is it works for her. Like most with ADHD, her process might not be mainstream, but it works for her.

Continue reading “What Happens in the ADHD Brain?”

What Defines a Project: Appearance or Underlying Motivation?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – February 17, 2020

ADHD: Appearance or Underlying MotivationAs an adult with ADHD, you’re probably aware that one of the side effects of this fun little disorder is having a lot of things going at the same time. The ADHD brain thrives on stimulation. It generates ideas upon ideas and gets excited to start something new—sometimes multiple things—all at the same time. For someone with ADHD, generating ideas and seeing the potential of them produces dopamine that “lights up” the pleasure center of the brain, just as food, chocolate, alcohol, and addictive behaviors do. Continue reading “What Defines a Project: Appearance or Underlying Motivation?”

ADHD: Weight Loss, Holidays, and the New Year

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder isn’t so much a deficit of attention but rather a self-regulation issue. Given the holidays are upon us and New Year’s resolutions will be top of mind at the end of the month, it is a perfect time to think about self-regulation around food. In this episode, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia around lifestyle, weight, and dieting. If you want to manage the holidays and not let them manage you, listen to this insightful interview.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works. Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff, go to 

ADHD: Solutions and Strategies versus Mindset

Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are constantly searching for the trick, the solution, the strategy. A strategy or a solution directs your attention based on a presumed mindset. What if the way your mind is set up to think (mindset) has you paying attention to the wrong thing? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( on the fundamental differences between solutions or strategies and how your mind is set up to think. They also talk about the nature of a shifted mindset and the process to enable that to happen that will direct you to new obvious solutions. If you are drowning in a sea of ADHD strategies, this show provides insights to help you address ADHD behavior more thoughtfully and effectively. Tune in to learn the differences and understand when one way might be used over another.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD: A Mindful Poetic Break for the Holiday

The holidays can be a stressful time of year for those with ADHD. Selfcare is an important part of managing ADHD and stress in general. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we are taking a break from our traditional programming to share with you the readings of several poems from Wilma Fellman’s The Other Me: Poetic Thoughts on ADD for Adults, Kids, and Parents. Take a moment and give yourself some time to reflect and tune into this show as our gift to you for a holiday break.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works. Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff, go to 

ADHD: Fact, Fiction, and True Stories of Study Strategies

In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Daniel Pertschuk, a long-time listener of Attention Talk Radio. In the interview Dr. Pertschuk shares some not-so-obvious study strategies that were successful in his obtaining graduate and doctoral degrees in the hope of inspiring you to study YOUR way, not THE way. Together, they share facts, mixed with some fiction, manifesting in a novel based on a true ADHD story. If you want to learn and be entertained, don’t miss this insightful show.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD: A First Responder’s Lived Experience

Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder seem to be drawn to exciting jobs. While there’s no specific research supporting this, it is hypothesized by many professionals that there’s a disproportionate number of people with ADHD and jobs as first responders. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, our host, Jeff Copper (, interviews John Doe around his experience as a law enforcement officer. In the interview, they talk about how ADHD manifests positively and negatively in this career. If you have ADHD and are attracted to a career as a first responder, this is a show you won’t want to miss.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to