Survival Guide for Men Married to ADHD Women

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – September 16, 2024

Confused manIf you are a man married to a woman with ADHD, we are talking to you! In all likelihood, your marriage or partnership is anything but mainstream. Old paradigms don’t work. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a survival guide?

Being married to an ADHD spouse is… well… different. Mistakes are made when you have too many expectations, and some of the issues may be gender oriented, like expectations of traditional things in general. With ADHD, it’s a whole paradigm shift in how you think of your relationship, that is, what you will do and what your spouse will do.

For example, people with ADHD are often disorganized, so they don’t keep an organized house. If you are the non-ADHD spouse, you may get frustrated because the house isn’t being kept neat and orderly. It isn’t that your spouse wouldn’t do it, but that they couldn’t do it. In that case, the answer is accepting that condition and changing your expectations. Sometimes you have to go to the extreme and then pull back and make adjustments.

If you are married to an ADHD woman and can relate to this topic, please check out my podcast, “Men Married to ADD Women: A Survival Guide.” It might help you to stop beating your head against the wall over things you can’t change.

4 thoughts on “Survival Guide for Men Married to ADHD Women

  1. Great podcast and lots of helpful tips. Put on a podcast for people who are already distracted easily, how in the world could there be an advertisement for casino style games? That almost negates the entire point of your mission! ADHD and ADD people are HIGHLY prone to addiction. This should absolutely be removed. I would love for someone to contact me and explain this, otherwise I’m likely to not only quit listening but recommend others not either.

    1. First, I want to acknowledge and thank you for your comment, as it has merit. Understand, we would never allow such a thing to happen intentionally. That said, our episodes are produced on a third-party platform that adds commercial clips at the end of each episode, which we understand is a common practice among podcast platforms to increase their revenue. The ads are selected by the platform and are different each time an episode plays. The bottom line is that we have no control over those ads, but we do appreciate that you brought this situation to our attention. My team is looking at it to see if there is anything we can do about it! While there may not be any solution acceptable to you or other listeners, we do hope you will continue to listen. We appreciate your support.”

  2. This looks super helpful, but listening to audio isn’t feasible. Is there anywhere a transcript or closed captions are available? Thanks and keep up the good work!

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