ADHD Resources

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (CHADD) is the largest not-for-profit organization that advocates on behalf of those with ADHD. Their website has a wealth of information, professional directories, and membership. We encourage those in the ADD community to become members of CHADD for the member benefits, but also to support CHADD as they are the ones who advocate for us on Capitol Hill.

The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) is a non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of those with ADHD. Much of their focus is on adults. Their website has a host of information and a webinar series, among others that may be beneficial to you.


The ADD Coaches Organization (ACO) is a professional membership organization that advocates for best practices and is an important organization for anyone  who is interested in becoming a coach.


The American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) is a non-profit organization that for the most part is physician-based. There is lots of good information that physician groups are trying to disseminate to educate the public on the plight of those with ADHD.


Edge Foundation is a nonprofit organization that promulgates coaching in the school systems and for individuals who are helping teens and college students. Edge Foundation is a very useful organization for teachers, college students, parents, and teens.


ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) is the only life coach training school accredited by the International Coach Federation. It’s the largest and the oldest ADHD coaching school in the world and very helpful for those interested in pursuing coaching as a career.


International Coach Federation (ICF) is a certifying body that helps police the life coaching world. ICF is not a school, but the accrediting organization. If one is looking for a professional coach who is dedicated to the profession, is trained, and committed to best practices, this resource has a wealth of information.


The Professional Association of ADHD Coaching (PAAC) is a certifying body that is under the umbrella of the International Coach Federation. This very similar organization focuses on certifying ADHD coaches. Much of the core competencies used at PAAC were actually derived from ICF to be a certifying body and is not in conflict.


Dr. Charles Parker/CoreBrain Academy is a long-time friend of this coaching practice and a thought leader in the area of ADHD and other brain developments. He has a wealth of information that is somewhat detailed and complex. For those who are interested in learning or understanding things at a deeper level, CoreBrain Academy is a very helpful resource.