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Now that we have your attention, we want to thank you for finding your way to Attention Talk News, part of the Attention Talk Network. Attention Talk News provides updates on content from our other media sources: Attention Talk Video and Attention Talk Radio. By subscribing, you will receive four newsletters a year with information about recent and upcoming shows, events, humor, and what is important in the world of ADHD and attention, including guest content and information to help those who are impacted by ADHD.
We will continue to develop the newsletter and online content to provide our audience with a more robust multimedia source of entertainment and education. As always, there will be an emphasis on paying attention to what you are paying attention to so you can get unstuck and move forward. The Attention Talk Network helps you manage ADHD by paying attention to what does work, rather than attending to what we think should work.
We welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions. You can send them to us at
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Archived Newsletters
- January 2025: Who Is Motivated to Do Taxes?
- October 2024: Eureka! A Time Management Strategy
- July 2024: An Aha on the Word “Distractible”
- April 2024: ADHD: The 50 Percent Rule
- January 2024: Organizing… A New Way
- October 2023: New Mindset, New Solutions
- July 2023: Are Your Reminders Annoying?
- April 2023: ADHD: It Isn’t Always Easy
- January 2023: How Controversy Speaks to Self-Awareness
- October 2022: Embrace Miscellaneous Organization for Your Ideas
- July 2022: Are Your Reminders Annoying?
- Apr 2022: ADHD: Allergies, Allergy Medications, and Medication Interactions
- Jan 2022: Articulating Complex Concepts—Aha!
- Oct 2021: Escaping Thinking
- July 2021: ADHD: Climbing the Hill for a Better View
- Apr 2021: ADHD & Word Problems: Hate Them or Embrace Them