ADHD: Lessons Learned from Theater and Athletics

\Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can benefit by witnessing and thinking about what they’re thinking. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( will interview Master ADHD coach and professional actor Roger Dewitt (  In the interview, the two reveal the similarities of the thinking process used by actors and athletes that can be of significant benefit for those with ADHD.  If you struggle and are looking for a mindset and a methodology to move you forward, don’t miss this show. 

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

Best Tips and Insights from 7 Years Hosting ADHD Telesummits

ADHD might not be something you want to wrap and give as a gift; however, many of those diagnosed with ADHD have figured out ways to succeed and even thrive. Join ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( as he interviews ADHD life coach and trainer Laurie Dupar (, as she shares insight, successes, and behind the scenes ADHD success strategies gleaned from over seven years of interviewing 100s of ADHD experts on the Succeed with ADHD Telesummit.  If you want one place to get a little bit of all sorts of useful strategies… plus have a bit of fun… don’t miss this show.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD.  Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated.  It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach.  To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD: A Mind Shift Experience Shared by Jeremy

The “Eureka!” The “I get it.” The aha is the holy grail of problem solving. The aha isn’t a strategy, system, or tool, but rather simply a shifting of the way you pay attention to things. Often, the aha comes from looking at something in a very foreign way. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Jeremy G. Schneider (, a marriage and family therapist, who shares his experience shifting his mindset in order to better parent his kids and himself, and achieve the relationship of his dreams. If you’re looking for an example of how others have changed their perspective in a productive way, this is a show you don’t want to miss.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to




ADHD and Working Memory: Your GPS for Life.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder negatively impacts executive functioning. We have interviewed thought leader Dr. Russell Barkley ( in years past on how ADHD is a challenge of self-regulation. We learned how emotions, which need to be self-regulated, are as much a part of ADHD as attention. In this interview, Dr. Barkley returns to discuss working memory and how it is impacted by ADHD. Join attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( as Dr. Barkley shares his expert insight on the topic. Based on our prior experience, this interview will no doubt become one of our most talked about shows.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

The Status of an Objective ADHD Diagnostic Test

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed subjectively, which is imprecise, leads to misdiagnosis, and many other problems. The industry has longed for a definitive test to diagnose the condition on a black-and-white basis. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper (  interviews Dr. Kenneth Blum on some new technology that could identify those who are at high risk of having ADHD and other addictive-type conditions based on an individual’s genes. While the test isn’t definitive, it is an exciting step towards identification and treatment. If you are in the ADHD community, tune in and keep current as we bring the future to today. 

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD Behavior: Therapy, Modification, or Awareness

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be very challenging. Many focus on behavior to be more productive or to conform with society’s expectations, and often behavior modification is helpful in forming good, healthful habits. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open discussion with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around behavior, self-imposed behavioral changes, external modifications, and just using awareness of behavior. The focus of the conversation is to discern the difference and understand when one way might be used over another. Then they both share insights to help you address ADHD behavior more thoughtfully and effectively. Tune in and learn more.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD Tips: The Relationship Between Worry and Anxiety

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be stressful, create a lot of anxiety, and lead to worry. In this episode of Attention talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( around the differences between worry and anxiety. They talk about awareness and strategies you can use to manage both. If you have ADHD, you likely have anxiety, as well. If this speaks to you, then listen to this interview for insights to reduce your anxiety and worry.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD and Personality Disorders

More often than not, ADHD is accompanied by other conditions or disorders. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia. Dr. Olivardia discusses the various personality disorders, issues associated with recognizing and diagnosing personality disorders with ADHD, how ADHD can be a risk factor for personality disorders, and how ADHD and personality disorders manifest, as well as insights on treatment. If an ADHD diagnosis alone doesn’t seem to explain things for you or someone close, we encourage you to listen to this interview as Dr. Olivardia is one of our favorite guests to interview on such topics.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD: What’s Obvious About Being Productive?

Can people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder be productive?  If so, how? What does it look like? What should a person with ADHD pay attention to in order to be most productive? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews productivity coach Lynne Edris ( If you have ADHD and need insights on productivity/ listen to what promises to be a spirited conversation!

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works.

Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff go to

ADHD: The Art of Coaching and Self-Observation

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder congers up visions of disorganization, impulsivity, distractibility, and inconsistency. To the rest of the world, what’s obvious is that those with ADHD need to be fixed. In this episode ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares the notion that those with ADHD are actually very organized, have systems, and, in a way, very efficient. For this show, Jeff dug up some archive clips of Dr. David Nowell about strategic behavioral inquiry and the concept of how exactly did you do that. Then Jeff shares real coaching stories with specific examples of how he helped those with ADHD witness their recipes in life that flawlessly worked for them. This may be one of our most valuable shows because we illuminate reality and success stories of inspiration to give you hope. If you struggle with attention, listen to this show.

Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), including managing symptoms of attention deficit disorder, adults with ADD, or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by attention coach Jeff Copper, is designed to help adults and children (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its symptoms) in life or business who are stuck, overwhelmed, or frustrated. It will help adults and children get unstuck and moving forward by helping to open their minds and pay attention to what works. Attention Talk Radio host Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach. To learn more about Jeff, go to