Excavating Time Blindness

Excavating the Time Blindness Aha!

(A Group Coaching Class)


Do you feel like you’re on a treadmill?
Are you chronically late?
Are you time blind?
Are you managing time the hard way?
Put an end to the stress today.
Register for excavating the time blindness Aha! today.

10.DeltaHey, Delta! You’re Overbooked Again

Are you constantly late? Do you regularly miss appointments? Are your friends beginning to call you Delta because you come across as always being overbooked?

Let’s face it, the 21st century is all about packing more into less. It is exhausting. Do you end each day by going to bed hoping just to survive and live to fight another day? If so, register for Excavating the Time Blindness Aha! today.

8.NOWclocksLearn to Manage Not Now Time

Do you have or struggle with the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Do you find there seems to be only two kinds of time, Now and Not Now? Do you get lost for hours on things that don’t move you forward and neglect what is important in your life? If you identify with this, we feel your pain! We developed this time management class just for you. Register today and learn about in-between time!

2. BookStoreThe Problem with Bookstore Solutions

If the obvious time management solutions in the self-help section of the bookstore are so obvious, then why aren’t they working? Why aren’t they sustainable solutions? Because you’re attending to the wrong thing!

Those solutions do not identify the invisible underlying sources of time management struggles based on your unique brain wiring. Yes, you have your own kind of time management challenges that are not like anyone else’s. Although the challenges may be similar, the source of what ignites your ability to manage time is not. Gain insight on how to manage time!

6.TimeBlindness2Are You Time Nearsighted or Blind?

When it comes to time, not everyone can see it so clearly. Many are nearsighted when it comes to time, which is a form of time blindness. Those with time blindness aren’t aware of the ticking of time and they struggle to use time effectively. They often forget the purpose of their tasks and are often uninspired to finish them. They find it hard to defer the gratification that is required for many things like saving money or sticking to a diet.

If you are time blind, don’t you think it is time to get some help? 

Where Does Time Go?

4-TimeEvaporatingDoes time just seem to evaporate? Managing the daily details of life in this day and age is just plain difficult. Missed deadlines, missed appointments, chronic lateness… all cost you time, stress, and in some cases, your job. You’re got to be exhausted at the end of the day, and yet, you feel that all your effort gets you nowhere.

Learn to coach yourself around time today!

Why Group Coaching is the Answer

2.CLOCK2Sign up for my excavating time blindness class today! Why? What’s so different about my approach? Great question. Other programs, seminars, and books address the symptoms of time management problems. We realize many who struggle with time are nearsighted when it comes to time. I look past the symptoms and help you excavate the prescription that will help improve your ability to see time, plan for it, and manage it using the coaching paradigm.

Once time is in focus, I will help you move forward in life by using natural sources of motivation, energy, and drive that put you into action. You will learn to identify the sources, situations, and tasks that hold you back. You will develop and learn to implement specific strategies for taking action to empower you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Power-ActionKnowledge Isn’t Power; Action Is!

This is a group coaching program, not an academic seminar. It is designed to put you into action today!

Isn’t taking a course that moves you from observer to activator worth your time and money?

How much does it cost?

Just 297If time is money, then this is the deal of the century!


“Jeff Copper is an outstanding coach, trainer, and entrepreneur who understands what it takes to empower others to embrace their unique brain wiring and take the necessary action to manifest their life goals.”

David Giwerc, MCAC, MCC
Founder/President, ADD Coach Academy

 Jeff Copper, PCC, PCAC, MBA, credentialed coach, founder of Attention Talk Radio, Attention Talk Video, and Attention Talk News, entrepreneur, speaker and ADHD coach trainer, has been coaching for nine years. He has empowered his clients to overcome the invisible challenges of procrastination and create fulfilling and successful lives. To learn more about Jeff, go to www.digcoaching.com/meet-jeff-copper/.

Excavating the Time Blindness Aha!


* The calls will be recorded so if you miss any of them, you will still be able to hear all the classes.

Regularly $297

But sign up today and get our special price of

Just $147

A savings of $150

Register Today – Class Space is Limited!

If you have questions, contact us at 762-233-2343 or email info@digcoaching.com today.

DIG Coaching Practice… Excavating the Aha! Daily

Jeff Copper pays attention to attention like no one else, and fortunately for the rest of us, he shares his insights in a totally understandable way. – Ari Tuckman, Psy., MBA

“Jeff brings both street wisdom and academic insight to his unique process of observing and embracing attention challenges – then provides solutions that work on multiple levels in the real world, from relationships to project management.” – Dr. Charles Parker