Worried about Long-Term Effects of ADHD Meds?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – August 12, 2017

ADHD MedsAre you worried about the long-term effects of taking ADHD stimulant medications? You should be. You should also be worried about the long-term effects of NOT taking ADHD meds. All too often, I find people demonize medications prematurely or don’t put them in context. Mind you, I’m not pro medication, but I am anti suffering, especially in the face of ignorance.

The decision to take meds is one of quality of life. Like with any drug, there are side effects and consequences of taking ADHD meds, and ADHD stimulants have both side effects and consequences. Continue reading “Worried about Long-Term Effects of ADHD Meds?”

Are My ADHD Meds Working?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – June 6, 2017

Frequently, I’m asked, “How do I know if my ADHD medications are working?” This is a fascinating question. I often find that people start taking meds with an expectation that they will magically become organized. Other times, it isn’t like a person is expecting to feel a buzz, but they do seem to expect to feel something cognitively. In excess, the meds can be noticeable. Some describe the experience as a calmness. In any event, you shouldn’t be feeling a buzz. Continue reading “Are My ADHD Meds Working?”

Are ADHD Meds Addictive or Not?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – May 2, 2017

Are ADHD meds addictive? Well, are they? Yes or no? Can’t somebody answer my question? Apparently not. Oh, sure, the “ADHD doesn’t exist” crowd might be quick to suggest the meds are addictive, but I’ve found it virtually impossible to find a definitive answer to the question from a credible source.

For almost two years, I searched high and low to find a subject matter expert who will answer the question on record and then do so in an interview on Attention Talk Radio. But I couldn’t come up with anyone. Why? I suspected that no one wanted to go on record, for fear of what they say being taken out of context, which is almost a liability risk for mental health professionals. They are subject to being attacked or being bogged down in controversy.

Continue reading “Are ADHD Meds Addictive or Not?”

Is Attention Blindness an Obstacle to Managing ADHD?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – February 14, 2017

Attention BlindnessI’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. What is Obvious Depends On What We Attend To (what I call a WODOWWAT). It is hard for most people to “get,” but hundreds of times a day, our own attention obstructs what is obvious. Examples of it are everywhere. The reason you don’t realize it is because you are not looking for evidence that you are attending to the wrong thing; rather, you miss it because you are more focused on looking for evidence, proof that you are attending to the right thing. Continue reading “Is Attention Blindness an Obstacle to Managing ADHD?”

An ADHD-Friendly Approach to Find Your Organizing System

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 6, 2025

You may be reading this because the idea of organizing caught your eye. Many of those with ADHD label themselves as disorganized when they see the clutter around them or think of the odd ways they manage tasks. The truth is, however, that much of their “disorganization” is simply based on how it looks. Continue reading “An ADHD-Friendly Approach to Find Your Organizing System”