ADHD Non-MEDS: Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, you may be looking for solutions that don’t involve medications. Some time ago, Jeff Copper talked with ADHD coach Brett Thornhill ( on the subject because there is so much conversation around stimulant medications.

When the subject of medication treatment for ADHD comes up, there’s everything from evangelical support to conspiracy theories that would almost rival Area 51. But there is another conversation that is often missed and even overshadowed by its much more controversial sibling, which is MEDS: Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep.

In a completely different light, Brett suggested that these non-MEDS are a unique alternative to stimulant medications. Non-MEDS are the most natural and straightforward approach to part of a treatment strategy for ADHD. Listen to our podcast and learn about their value and why so many individuals are not able to benefit from them as much as they could. So listen in and learn how you could use them more successfully to help you move forward. Here’s the link:

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2 thoughts on “ADHD Non-MEDS: Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep

  1. Jeff: I welcomed your blog today on Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep. You coached me a number of years ago, and that was very helpful in understanding what was going on with me and how to address it. After practicing three out of the four NON-MED alternatives you mention today (still working on sleep), the first two of which are done at the start of my day, I have found them to be key to reminding me of the impact of ADHD on an ongoing basis.. You helped me understand that. Mediation and exercise, in particular, help remind me of that, by being able to help me move away from distraction by coming back to the present moment–in other words, to pay attention!. But I must still learn how to conquer the fourth step..

    1. Great to hear from you. Thrilled this resonated with you. As you work on things, focus on piggybacking them, focus on the easiest way to accomplish it, and remember to minimize steps. Again, great to hear from you.

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