The Joke’s on You

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – April 2, 2019

There are all kinds of coaches, such as life coaches, personal coaches, and executive coaches. I consider myself an attention coach, and my number one goal is to help individuals and businesses pay attention to the right thing…. because if you’re paying attention to the wrong thing, you’re likely paying attention to, or looking for, the wrong solution.

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Attending to the Concepts of “Broken” and “Wrong”

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – March 26, 2019

In this article, we are paying attention to the concepts of “broken” and “wrong.” Both are a function of attention or what one is attending to. Why this theme? Because the notions of being broken and being wrong are huge obstacles for those with ADHD.

If you attend to being broken, you can’t see being fixed. If you attend to the concept of wrong, you can get hung up on perfectionism. Dr. Mark Katz has a presentation, titled “There Is Nothing So Wrong with Us That What’s Right with Us Can’t Fix.” That is brilliant! Let’s think about different ways of looking at things. Continue reading “Attending to the Concepts of “Broken” and “Wrong””

ADHD: Coaching Teens

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – March 19, 2019

Coaching teens… if that doesn’t get the attention of most ADHD parents, I don’t know what will. Recently, on Attention Talk Radio and Attention Talk Video, we did a couple of shows on this topic that will serve as our theme.
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The Complexities of ADHD Meds 

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – March 12, 2019

You get diagnosed with ADHD, the doctor prescribes a stimulant and that is it; right? Wrong! Getting the right stimulant in the right dose delivered at the right time is more of an art than a science. As Dr. Charles Parker puts it, the meds have to pass through the body to get to the brain. Metaphorically, if the digestive tract, immune system, metabolism, and other systems are under construction or out of whack, meds can be detoured away from the brain and out of the body or get bottlenecked and wreak havoc.
Continue reading “The Complexities of ADHD Meds “

Narrow Attention, Scanning Attention, and ADHD

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – March 5, 2019

Have you ever paid attention to the difference between narrow attention and scanning attention? Narrow attention is like texting. Attention is focused narrowly. Scanning attention is like driving a car. You’re scanning signs, speed, other cars, spatial changes in relation to yours, etc. Note, you can’t use narrow and scanning attention at the same time. That’s why texting while driving is so dangerous. Continue reading “Narrow Attention, Scanning Attention, and ADHD”

Exercising Your Attention

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 29, 2019

Attention is as simple as it is complex to understand. In an interview I did with noted ADHD expert Dr. Russell Barkley, he noted that, if you are to inhibit anything, you must be aware of it. As I’ve learned, understanding and observing one’s own attention to become aware of it can be the single best tool to help those with ADHD.

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Thinking about Thinking

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 22, 2019

Every once in a while, you stumble onto a phrase or something that’s worded in a way that puts things into perspective and brings an aha because you can finally articulate it and wrap your mind around the concept. I once heard it stated, “I don’t know who discovered water but I’m sure it wasn’t a fish.” To me, this is a very profound statement, because there are some things in this world that are so obvious that they’re missed because they’re so obvious.

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Why Tips and Tricks Don’t Always Work

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 15, 2019

All the reminders in the world won’t work unless you engage.

Ever wonder why proposed systems or solutions don’t work for you?  I’ve found the invisible elephant in the room is the ability to self-regulate.  You can set reminders and alarms all over the place, but in the end, none of them will work unless you engage.  In simple terms, setting an alarm to wake up is useless if you hit snooze time and time again.  The trick is to associate the alarm to putting your feet on the floor and standing up.

Activating is more about making it easy to put your feet on the floor or having something to look forward to in order to get out of bed, not so much about the alarm. If you want to move forward, you have to address more than just the symptoms. Continue reading “Why Tips and Tricks Don’t Always Work”

Are Your Sleep Problems Due to Boredom?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 8, 2019

Do those with ADHD have a hard time going to bed or do they just have a hard time going to sleep? Research suggests those with ADHD struggle with agitated boredom.

As a coach I’ve realized the most boring time of the day is the time between when you put your head on the pillow and the time you fall asleep. Bottom line is, it is boring. Continue reading “Are Your Sleep Problems Due to Boredom?”

Who Is Motivated to Do Taxes?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – December 31, 2018

Taxes are up there with root canals. We’d rather rearrange our sock drawers! But is it because we are motivated to organize our socks, or is it because we are running away from our taxes?

“If only I had more motivation” is something I hear often. Don’t be confused: you ARE motivated – only not motivated enough to do what you “should” be doing. Let me explain. Continue reading “Who Is Motivated to Do Taxes?”