Embrace Miscellaneous Organization for Your Ideas

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – July 11, 2022

Organizing ThoughtsOrganizing your miscellaneous thoughts and ideas? UGH! The topic of getting organized comes up frequently in coaching, and I can relate to that personally. For instance, there’s a miscellaneous drawer in my kitchen. It’s the depository for things that don’t have a home. The top drawer of my bedroom chest serves the same purpose. Ditto my workbench in the garage. Continue reading “Embrace Miscellaneous Organization for Your Ideas”

ADHD: Rest and Recovery

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – June 27, 2022

As a former athlete and competitive swimmer, I understand how important rest is for the body. After intense workouts or stressful training, the body needs time to replenish its energy stores, and your muscles need time to recover. To illustrate my point, I want to share some important lessons I learned as a triathlete. But these insights are not aimed just at those with ADHD. They truly apply to anyone who is on that track but not realizing they’re running on empty. Continue reading “ADHD: Rest and Recovery”

10 Things You Are Doing Every Day That Make Your ADHD Worse

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – June 20, 2022

The key to ADHD is to keep your machine (your physical brain) and your mind (your thoughtful, mindful brain) running efficiently and in harmony to achieve your mission. With so much information out there about what to do to help your ADHD, are you aware of things you do every day that might be getting in the way, disrupting the mind and the brain from working in harmony? Continue reading “10 Things You Are Doing Every Day That Make Your ADHD Worse”

A Lesson in Self-Awareness

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – June 13, 2022

What is self-awareness? Is it just being aware of your own internal emotions and feelings? Is it being able to see yourself in the third person? Or is it being able to see life and situations at a higher level, not just awareness of yourself, but awareness of others? Many people with ADHD struggle with self-awareness.

They feel threatened by it because they are sometimes lost in their head. They are also unaware of the plights of others. They’re often consumed with their own challenges and sometimes don’t realize the challenges of others. Sometimes we need just to step out of ourselves to understand it. Continue reading “A Lesson in Self-Awareness”

ADHD: When a Professional Can’t Help

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – May 30, 2022

Those with ADHD often seek help for their symptoms, but there are limitations to a professional’s ability to help. It comes down to how much the person is willing to be helped and what they are willing to do on their part to make use of that help.

In many cases, the person says to their family that they want help, but in reality, when the family reaches out to a professional on the person’s behalf, it seems to be a different story. Saying they want help doesn’t necessarily mean they do. Continue reading “ADHD: When a Professional Can’t Help”

ADHD: A Thought versus a Plan

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – May 2, 2022

Those with ADHD struggle with working memory. A working memory impairment hinders the ability to follow a sequence of steps because they’re not able to hold the steps in their mind. It takes a lot of effort because they have to override their automatic instincts and use an already taxed working memory to work through a problem.
Continue reading “ADHD: A Thought versus a Plan”

ADHD: When Passion Is Lost

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – April 25, 2022

Athletes, dancers, pilots, coders, artists, and others with ADHD can be passionate, dedicated, all-in, and focused. But what if their passion evaporates? We know those with ADHD can be very passionate. As I’ve learned over the years, ADHD is not so much a deficit of attention as it is a self-regulation issue. It’s interesting that for those with ADHD the passion is almost like a drug. The issue is not that they can’t pay attention; it’s actually that they can’t stop paying attention to it.
Continue reading “ADHD: When Passion Is Lost”