ADHD: Problems, Gratitude, and Thanksgiving

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – November 23, 2022

Years ago, I interviewed a gentleman who was explaining to me the theories behind Japanese psychology. One of the things he said was that the Japanese practice gratitude. He explained that problems abound. The thing about a problem is it must be dealt with right then. For example, if you have a flat tire, that’s a problem, but you have to deal with it in that moment. In contrast, if there’s something you do that is successful or goes right, you don’t have to celebrate it in that moment.

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ADHD: Basic Level of Truth

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – November 21, 2019

Attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper has found that there are certain basic truths that those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often don’t acknowledge that result in them paying attention to the wrong thing and anchoring them in “stud.” In this video Jeff shares a few and talks about how acknowledging them is a powerful step in moving forward. Continue reading “ADHD: Basic Level of Truth”

ADHD: Application of Knowledge Is the Hard Part

Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder know what to do. Their challenge is doing what they know to do. In this episode of Attention Talk Video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper illustrates the difference between knowledge and activation, knowing what to do and executing it, and pinpoints a few of the issues associated with activating, as well as the mindset to move forward. If you want to gain insight around ADHD and activation, watch this short video. Continue reading “ADHD: Application of Knowledge Is the Hard Part”

ADHD Mindset Tip: Motivation

Got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? What is your mindset around motivation? In this video ADHD coach Jeff Copper builds on his earlier video, “ADHD Mindset: Setting up Your Mind to Think“ (, sharing the power of using a different mindset to witness the obvious. In this video Jeff uses specific examples explaining motivation and illuminates the path to manage it using specific examples to empower you to learn to problem-solve. Continue reading “ADHD Mindset Tip: Motivation”

What if the Real Project Isn’t Appearance-Based?

As humans, we are very much appearance-based.  We latch onto what we see, and often, this reliance on what we can see and what we can prove becomes an obstacle and a source of anxiety.

One of my favorite quotes recently is, “The sun doesn’t rotate around the earth, but without the right technology it looks like it does.”  I think this is a great analogy and explains so much about the nature of the tricks, solutions, and strategies those with ADHD find on the Internet.  At the end of the day, many of those things don’t work because they don’t address the core issue.  They deal with appearance.
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ADHD: Awareness of Negative Forces – Part 1

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a real challenge for many. In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper brings to your attention one of three very real negative forces that work against you when getting help. The focus of this video is to acknowledge an elephant in the room to help you understand why many of the tips, solutions, and strategies out there don’t work. If you’re a big picture thinker, don’t miss this video. Continue reading “ADHD: Awareness of Negative Forces – Part 1”

ADHD: Awareness of Negative Forces – Part 2

This is part two of a three-part series to identify negative forces that worked against those trying to manage their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares a second negative force that works against you when getting help. If you’re the type of person that just likes to have the insight and you know what you’re up against, this is a video you won’t want to miss. Continue reading “ADHD: Awareness of Negative Forces – Part 2”

ADHD: Awareness of Negative Forces – Part 3

Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a different brain wiring. Isn’t it interesting how society encourages you to be yourself, but then turns and identifies all your flaws to fix you? In this episode of Attention Talk Video, ADHD coach Jeff Copper shares a third negative force that works against you when getting help. If you are a big picture thinker and like to understand the invisible “why,” tune in and watch this video. Continue reading “ADHD: Awareness of Negative Forces – Part 3”

ADHD Sleep Challenge: Duh, It’s the Mattress

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – September 9, 2019

Have you ever called customer service about your computer and they asked if it was plugged in? The question seems silly, but do you know why the question is asked? It’s because through experience, working through long complicated solutions, they had found out the problem was something as simple as plugging in or turning on your device.

Continue reading “ADHD Sleep Challenge: Duh, It’s the Mattress”