Hurtful Conversations in ADHD Relationships

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – July 3, 2023

ADHD relationships can spiral out of control and end up in hurtful conversations. Is that an outcome you will really want? How do you stop these interactions that only end up damaging your relationships? Once the damage is done, how do you repair or rebuild the trust? It’s not just by saying you’ll do better or you’ll try harder. You really have to get at the dynamics of the relationship and then work to understand each other. That’s what you need to develop conflict intimacy. Continue reading “Hurtful Conversations in ADHD Relationships”

ADHD Insight: Impact of Distractions on Executive Functioning

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – Published June 5, 2023

What is it like for someone with ADHD when their executive functioning brain is being taxed and becomes a distraction? It’s like starting the task all over again. If you have ADHD, it’s just like rebooting your laptop; you have to reboot your brain. That’s why I’m using a computer as a metaphor to understand what happens when you get distracted while engaged in an activity that requires your executive functioning brain. Continue reading “ADHD Insight: Impact of Distractions on Executive Functioning”

ADHD Tips: Use Your Executive Functioning Brain to Override Impulse

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – May 15, 2023

Dr. Russell Barkley ( likes to think of the ADHD brain as a two-level system, that is, the automatic brain and the executive functioning brain. The use of the executive functioning brain is effortful because it takes great effort to step in and override the automatic brain. Continue reading “ADHD Tips: Use Your Executive Functioning Brain to Override Impulse”

ADHD: A Different Mindset to Selling Yourself

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – March 13, 2023

different mindsetWhen you’re observing someone else, it can be easy to make judgments and describe who they are and what they do. When you have to turn the tables on yourself, particularly if you have ADHD, it can be challenging. This is especially true if you are a creative type or a problem solver.

When emotions come into play, they can overwhelm you and make it difficult to articulate who you are and what you do. Continue reading “ADHD: A Different Mindset to Selling Yourself”

Is it Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Difference Disorder?

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – February 13, 2023

Many with ADHD are stuck applying the obvious solution as if they are the same as everyone else. The bottom line is this: Those who are diagnosed with ADHD have brains that are just wired differently.

By the same token, we need to think differently about ADHD, to look at strengths and what’s right or natural for those with ADHD. It’s not always a deficit in attention, but it is always a difference, and that’s the main thing. Continue reading “Is it Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Difference Disorder?”

Impact of ADHD on Sports Psychology from a Sports Psychiatrist

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 23, 2023

Athletes who have ADHD often suffer from psychological issues such as depression or anxiety and other emotional challenges that stem from ADHD. These athletes may experience less than ideal performance on the playing field. As an ADHD and attention coach, this topic is significant as I coach sports players who suffer from symptoms of ADHD in their performance, both on the field and off.

Continue reading “Impact of ADHD on Sports Psychology from a Sports Psychiatrist”

ADHD, Productivity, and People: Two-Second Solutions

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – January 2, 2023

During the COVID pandemic, many people had no recourse but to work from home. Unfortunately, they struggled with getting things done and their productivity declined, perhaps for one simple reason. There’s no one around to take off some of the stress on your working memory. The home environment is much different from the workplace where others are around and are readily available for interaction. So, working at home means you often don’t have an accountability partner. Continue reading “ADHD, Productivity, and People: Two-Second Solutions”

ADD Tip: What Doesn’t Work for Those with ADD

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – December 12, 2022

Knowing what works for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is just as important as knowing what does not work. Some of the tactics you use might not be helping. In fact, they might even exacerbate your symptoms. For example, pressure to perform based on other people’s ideas of how you should perform almost always leads to failure because it doesn’t work and it’s detrimental. For those with ADHD, doing things that do not fit their natural way of doing things can often paralyze them at most and at least inhibit their performance. Continue reading “ADD Tip: What Doesn’t Work for Those with ADD”

ADHD: Getting Organized about Organization

By Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG – November 14, 2022

Organizing things is a real challenge, especially for those with ADHD. They think they’ll just jump in and start organizing until they get into a mess and then things seem to explode.

It has been said, if you don’t understand something as a process, you don’t understand it at all. I find this rings true for those with ADHD in the context of organization.

Continue reading “ADHD: Getting Organized about Organization”